Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Page 48

Book of 2016
-Page 48-

It was hard to say good bye to this view.  It was gorgeous!  It will be missed but the show must go on so they say and I was needed on the other side of the island.  
Breakfast was awesome again!  Loved the ommie!  Even had mushrooms added today!
I drove top speed from one hotel to the other!  Ok well if you think top speed is 40, then there you go.

The Grand Hyatt is gorgeous!

New room!  Hope it is mine.
Big mirror and big dude!
Wait a second?  Why does my toliet plug in?  Because it has an ass washer!  Whoop whoot!!!  Sweet just like at home!
Nice bugs bed.
Hey I ain't mad at this view either!!  Great view right!
There where some bathing suite issues.  Suddenly u realized things where a little to breezie down in that area.  God I hope no one saw my left testie hanging out.  How embarrassing!

There is a handsome fellow!  Sporting a new shirt for a little kick off party!

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