Book of 2016
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When you have an obsessive mind it is hard to turn it off sometimes. It is hard to realize, that you have come all this way from Monday to Friday and now the time is yours. The weekend is yours to do as you like with. It is your choice if you spend that time running down the same demons that have bothered you all week long. Maybe sometimes you need to turn off the never ending thoughts. Maybe you need to turn off the worry, and the what if's. Perhaps you have to through caution to the wind and just relax, chill out and enjoy. Maybe right now I don't know how I am going to get from A to B. Maybe, I don't know the path to losing 200 pounds. Maybe, I can't see a way to motivate me to move. Perhaps, I don't know what is going to happen next at work, or at home, or wherever. And maybe just maybe that is ok. Sure, you had to stay late on a Friday. You missed you session with Dr. Michelle and your week isn't kicking off as you thought or had hoped. And that is ok too. Each day is a new journey with a different destination. You no longer follow anyone's mold, or worry about there expectations. You say what you want. When you want. You write what you want. You do what you want. Then again today is better than yesterday. Tomorrow will be better today and you still don't have any answers so maybe you just need to let go and enjoy ti. So, maybe I should take my own advice. Maybe, I should just pack up tonight and go home and say fuck it. I can't answer what I can't answer. I will find my path. I do believe that. Happy Weekend!
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