Book of 2016
- Page 39 -
Still a lot to do between now and Sunday but each day and minute draws me closer and closer to Paradise. I am really excited to be going to Hawaii for the 4th time in 4 years! I am very fortunate for being able to do that!
There has been so much on-going stress lately that getting to Kauai is a much needed and wanted break. I am still trying to determine if it is better to move or not move. Trying to decide to keep my place in San Jose and try to buy one in Livermoore/Pleasanton area is also weighing heavily on my mind. I am in no way shape or form complaining. No, no, these are good problems to have.
Well the Super Bowl has come and gone, and well, for all you Peyton Manning haters out there, suck it! In 5 to 10 years all we will remember is he won 2 big games! Even if I think I could have QB'ed that team to a win yesterday. My GOD, that Denver Defense was relentless. I mean for a football fan I think it was fun to watch them blow up the #1 offense and they did repeatedly. I am really happy for Peyton and now I hope he does the right thing and hangs it up. It's time. Or at least this fan thinks so.
I was disappointed in Cam. Not because of how he played, but because of how he handled himself. Cam will never read this, nor will anyone who has anything to do with his team. However, I would like to think I would write it the same either way. I came to really like Cam over the course of the season. He just looked like he was always having fun out there. Sunday, he didn't look like he was having fun b/c he was to busy picking himself up off the ground. His team got beat. They played terribly. They made mistakes and well just got out played by a team that no one thought could or should win.
Cam didn't take the loss well. No one would. I was disappointed in Petyon after the 2009 super bowl when he left field without shaking anyone's hand, at least Cam did that. However, in his interview, he just seemed to proof all the people who say he is an arrogant show boating fool that they were right. That if he is going to win the way he wins, then it would be nice if he could lose with a little grace. he acted like a child at his press conference. It was hard to say he was likable at all. This is all coming from a man who would have acted the same exact way or can or is it does when he doesn't get his way. I am not way shape or form better than him. However, as the face of the NFL we expect better from him. I think to be a leader he has to accept the good with the bad, celebrate both sides of the coin. Then again easy for Billy b, CPA, part time blogger, genuine pervert, and Captain Inappropriate to sit here and say.
I think Cam will be back. I think we have not seen the last of him and his shenanigans. Trust me, I don't want him to stop those. I want him to have fun out there. I want him to him, that is what I have come to like about him over the last 19 games. I just wish he would have handle himself w/ the media better. Mainly b/c I think so many people are saying see, I told you so, this guy sucks, he is an ass, he is a show boater, etc...
However, much like Cam has lots to learn about, so does Billy b and I think that is the only comparison one can ever draw between the too of us. I still need to learn how to be happy everyday. I need to learn how to deal with controversy and negative things. I need to stand up for what I believe is right and wrong. I need to learn how to deal with people better and more consistently. I need to learn to forgive myself and continue to learn to accept myself. I am doing ok, but I have a lot of room for self improvement.
Other than that, I really got nothing but a week until Paradise and I can't wait =)
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