Sunday, February 21, 2016

Page 51

Book of 2016
- Page 51 -

The swimming edition.  I was in the pool from 10 am until 4:45 PM.  I'm exhausted.  The awards dinner was awesome!  Fun was had by all!  I skipped out of the bar to finish this entry.

I'm touched a few guys from work said to me "you need to start taking care of yourself.  We want you around for a long time."  These are guys who I call friends above and beyond the work place.  Sure you could say they only care bc of there comp and I know no matter what I say you will think what you want.  Me personally choose to believe what I want.   I want to be around for a long time.  I really do.  I choosen to live until I die and not vice versa.  If I keep going like I am constantly stressed and constantly worried something is wrong with me I might as well be dead.  I know I have a lot of work to do, and the one thing I can't say to a bunch of co-workers is that I just need to get my head on straight and start to believe the legend that is Billy b.  I have to look at myself and say I love you and damn it I'm worth it.  I know I am!  Btw live the new book I'm reading.

Ok.  Day in a nutshell.  I swam.  All day long. No shit it's true.  I swam in the lap pool for 25 minutes!  My god it was great!!!  I hadn't swam in so long and I banged out 600 yards.  It was awesome!

Then I walked the resort.  Then I got in the pool and basically swam from 11 until 4:45!  I love the sun.  I loved the peeps I was with.  I loved it all!

My arms are dead.  I have 400 strap and 8 minutes to hit step go, which is why I hate that Fitbit can't handle the swimming pool bc I should be way over!!!

Oh well in bed and can't get up now.  So tired!

Anyway more photos of the day!!

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