Saturday, February 21, 2015

What is with that silly grin?

I took this picture as I was exiting weight watchers today, I could't help but grin like a goof.  I walked in feeling a little bloated today and figuring I was going to go up on the scale.  However, when I stood on it, I got a pleasant surprise:  DOWN ANOTHER 4.6!!!!!  Yes, that is what I said, another 4.6 pounds are gone and never ever coming back! Basically, I am not longer carrying around a desk lamp, or an package of flour.  Overall, Myfitnesspal says I down officially down 42 pounds!!!!  Again, say good by to the 5 gallon water jug I lugged with me every where! Or if that doesn't paint a good picture for you, think about carrying a microwave oven with you every where you go!

HOWEVER, PEOPLE THAT ISN'T EVEN THE BIGGEST NEWS OF THE DAY!  NO SIR, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!  The big news is I went to the dentist yesterday!

I always feel like this is what they make me do, when I walk in and they have me rinse right away.  I feel like they assume, I have the yuck mouth.  I mean I am sure they have all people do it, and it is a good idea for them.  However, the big news is I didn't have any cavities


Ok, not so, I lie.  the big news came when they took my blood pressure like they always do.  I noticed they even got a big cuff, just for me!  Well, I am sure that it isn't just for me, but you know, I like to think the world does its rotation around me and only me =)  And the reading was!

Dramatization, this was not the actually cuff used yesterday.  

That might not have been the actual cuff used, but the ready was spot on!  Spot on!  I was 120/80 yesterday and it freaks me the fuck out, b/c that is so awesome, considering about two months ago it was 190/110 and I was in AFIB.

I think swimming is the game changer for me.  Swimming is where I meditate.  It is where I find complete and total peace.  I also push myself really hard, will working through all the things I have on my mind: work, personal life, next meal, dog or no dog, trying to check out the hot chick in the next lane, and so on and so forth.  I am a completely different person when I am in the water more than 3 times a week.  I am calm, cool and all around just better.

Things are really starting to take off for me, I am a new and and I get better and better everyday.  I feel like I have total control over my life now and that is a great feeling to have!  Well, because, I feel like I have my life back.  I still have long way to go.  I still have another person to shed.  However, i am feeling good, looking better, and moving around better.  32 lbs we will have jeans on, riding our bike again, and inching closer and closer to my Tower!  Because it is fucking closer people.  It is every day!

Awesome!  Awesome!!!

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