2/8/2015 - It's getting cheesie around here....
I love cheese. I have always loved cheese. So, when I found almond vegan cheese, I started to think, can't I make my own almond cheese. I mean the cashew cheese was ok. The vegan almond cheese was great! So, I was like why not. It's Sunday, it is raining, what else do I have to do. So, I came across three cheese recipes, one I could not do b/c I didn't have a nut cheese bag, whatever that is. The other two, I was an Almond Cream Cheese, and a Cashew Sour Cream, which isn't technically, a cheese, but I think of it that way and this is my blog so piss off!
Start with some Raw Almonds:
A cup to be exact:
Soak the for 8 Hours:
Then you get the cashew ready, three cups to be exact, and you soak those for 4 hours
Get out your trust Food Processor this for the cashew sour cream:
Add some lime:
Then you squeeze that shit fresh:
Then you blend:
Push it down and blend:
And you Blend:
And finally you get something that resembles sour cream, sort of:
Then it is almond cream cheese time:
Then you have blanch those almonds:
Ten Minutes later you are peeling them. Now you peel them by pushing on one end and they shoot, literally shoot out the other. It was pretty fucking amazing:
Ok, ok, I used an old envelope to put the shells in, and that is because I was tired, I had already sat down on the couch, and I forgot a bowl to put them in, my legs hurt so bad from swimming three days in a row. I know it is awful and lazy, but what can I say:
Finally, all peeled and ready to go:
So we go back to the Food Processor which has been all cleaned up:
Add your Almonds:
Add a little apple cider vinegar:
Juice of lemon:
Home made paleo pizza is done, have to take that out of the oven:
Then we start to blend:
Tap it down and blend:
Add a little coconut oil and blend:
Tap it down and blend some more:
And you blend:
Tap it down and blend:
Tap it down and blend:
When it is smooth you scrape it out:
Then you realize that you don't have your smoothies done for the week, so you have to crank those out.
I am trying really hard to add a picture of my sandwich, where I added the cream cheese to it, and it made it fucking awesome! But my loner computer isn't being very nice. so I did it from the phone, that is a good paleo sandwich and I am excited about eating Mexican tonight with home made tortilla's. I love eating Mexican!!!!
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