Sunday, February 22, 2015

A little bit of this, and a whole lot of that....

You ever just have one of those saturdays that is super productive, but at the same time you feel completely discombobulated? That was yesterday for me.  Overall a great day, but I was a little off my game.  Really, have been off my game since Thursday.  I have been feeling a lot like Ka Mai lately, you know destiny's fool.  I have been pushy, trying to be more assertive and not so damn passive aggressive and it doesn't really work for me.  So I do this quasi Passive thing.  It doesn't really work and I end up looking as if I have not grown at all in the last two years.  And as a matter of fact, I haven't, I have actually shrunk!  Go Billy, go Billy!  42 pounds and shrinking!!!!  I got this.  Anyway, my thursday just got crazy and it brought some things into play, I am not 100% how to deal with.  My Chi is good right now, my space is good, and do we want to rock that?  Some say Si and some say No.  Anyway, that is another story for another time.  However, things really got out of whack on Friday, when I tried to sneak out of the home office and steal a swim at 1 p.m. when I should have been working.  See, I have this mesh gear bag.  I had it sitting on the back of my car.  I got in a hurry leaving for the pool.  And I must have left it there.  And driven off with it on the back of my car.  And now it is gone.  I am really that fucking dumb to drive off with my gear bag on the back of my car and not notice it.  Am I?  Yes, yes I am.  No where to be found.  I retraced my steps twice.  Gone poof, just fucking gone.  In the bag there is: flippers, paddles (not the kinky kind, but the help you with your stroke kind, which I guess when said like that, that could be taken as kinky, but that isn't the stroke I am talking about, I am talking swim technique, pervs!), pull buoy, goggles, ring of time, 20 work outs, two workout books, and that nicest and greatest gift I ever remember getting as it was a testament to true friendship.  The gift was from Kenny, whom I hate.  He was leaving the dynamic work duo, for greener pastures, and I had lent him my Pala for a while to him and his family.  In kind they gave me  a Garmin Swim, and I almost cried.  Just like when it hit me, when I lost this mesh swim bag, some where in between here and the gym, that I had lost this gift, and I was in fact Ka Mai.  When I told Kenny, he laughed, I felt awful, but he said he wasn't surprised because I was an idiot and I do dumb shit all the time.  Kai Mai?  I mean if you don't believe me take a look a that photo above. I mean it doesn't get anymore dumb than than, but we will get to that in a minute. Kenny, i do feel bad, thanks for being a sounding board friday night and yesterday, you are GOOD People, some of the best we know.  

However, my decent into discombobulation had really just begun.  Yesterday the decision was made to make Paleo Taco's, and some sweet crepes for dessert.  This was before I had learned of my awesome 4.6 lbs lost.  I am still stoked and feeling rather bad ass.  Rachel texted and asked if I wanted to hang with her and I said no, but if you want to bring shiner over you can, no I didn't say that, but wish I would have thought of it, b/c it is pretty funny.  So, the girls were coming over for dinner.  So, I started my weekly blog on what I was cooking.  And it started like this.....

Dice some pepper:

Wash Strawberries for sweet crepes:

Peppers diced and then watch some you tube videos on who to dice a tomato.

Try to do what you watched:

Realize it isn't working at all:

Photo graph yourself looking said b/c you couldn't properly dice a tomato.  Give yourself no slack because you have diced maybe a handful of tomatoes in your life and the chef on the tv probably dices at least a handful a day.

Fuck it, they work right?

Get the coconut milk ready for making whipping cream:

Beaters out:

Get them spinning:

Whip it, Whip it good:

And cream is had:

Dice your berries...

Make home made taco seasoning:

looks good!  And I finally have the answer to why every package of store bought taco seasoning smell the same, it is Cumin, that is the smell, I have nailed it!

At this point though you totally forget about your blog because you are watching Psych the musical and you know that this is going to be your future life when you move to Santa Barbara.  You, Shawn, and Gus the ultimate triple threat.

Then you go to make sweet crepes and you are closing up the bag you use for the arrowroot flour and you are trying to gently squeeze the air out of it, and very slowly pushing it out of the bag and suddenly you push to hard and the next thing you know you have a mess on your hands!  A destiny's fool moment?  Perhaps, perhaps not?

However, you remember to photo graph you sweet crepe.

Cover that thing in some paleo whipped cream made out of coconut milk, and fresh berries.

Ah, see the surprise in the middle the dark chocolate =)  This was an excellent paleo dessert.  You have to go easy on the Dark Chocolate, and you can't have it all the time.  I will also have to look for better quality Dark Chocolate.  However, this really hit the spot.

Get up this a.m. and start getting your chicken fajitas ready:

Meat is marinated over night, in some red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and lime juice.  Looks looks nice.

Add chicken, and then add salsa and put it in for 8 hours!!!

Realize when you cook you use a lot of dishes!!!

I *am*... in a world... of shit.

or is that this guy?

I was just trying to show that i was exasperated because of the dishes to do, and ends up looking like private pile!  Great movie, first DVD I ever owned! Just some Billy b trivia.

steak marinating for tonights grilling...

There is the tacos, not really good that I just remember to film them this a.m.

New man bag, a TNT one.  I think it is Cool, a lot better than the safeway back I carry my meds, lunch, and glasses in every day to work.

And that is a little of this and a little of that.... lol.  Just random days right now.  I do get puppy for the a few days starting tomorrow, excited about that.  

Ready for the week to start and you know what, I have a feeling this is going to be another great fucking week!!!

Billy b

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