Monday, December 9, 2013


2650: 37 degrees and it's cold, but I'm committed, I'm getting in the pool. I have too it's what I do. It's been a bad day. Your annoyed and your cold, but you can't just not

Go. You can't quite now you've come to far, you've done to much. Lots of things are on your mind but your committed. You keep telling yourself that enough it must be true. Your foot still hurts from the flippers yesterday. You take off your socks and you have four blisters on your left foot. You don't care. You have to get out of the locker room and get into the pool. It's cold. You go. You jump in. You swim. You swim long and hard. Your in the pool 1:44:40 and you swim 150 meters more than you plan. You get made because you thinks it should take less time. You get frustrated but you talk yourself down you tell yourself it was an easy workout. It was supposed to be and you did it. So be easy. don t get to worked up. It was a good swim! So be happy about it! 

Tonight's swim:

400 swim IM
400 pull IM
5 x 50 free
5 x 50 breast
4 x 75 free
4 x 75 breast
200 kick im
10 x 25 free
200 cool down breast

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