Tuesday, December 3, 2013

End of 2013 start of 2014 Goals and Rewards!!!!

2013 and First Half of 2014 Goals and Rewards!!!!
I must continue to change and grow!
I am not sure if I can attach the power point or not…. but I am really thinking about the goals and the rewards for them.  Obviously, my health and being active is the top priority.
So I will summarize here what I think we should do at a high level and then drill down on it…
I can’t just say I want to get healthy and change my life style over this period of time.  I am going to come up with 8 goals that I can attain.  I will give myself a specified period of time to do so.  I have to continue on the Path of Beam to the Tower.  My Tower.  My Tower is a healthy happy life!
Why Do I want to do it?  Easy – I don’t want to die. I have been given so much potential and I have so many good things in my life, I want to be around to live the life I have dreamed of and that I know I deserve. 
How do I do it?  I see three options to meeting my goals:
          1) Weight Watchers (if I don’t achieve the first four goals (below) by the end of February, then
          2) I check myself into a clinic for 2 – 3 months and get my head right, if this fails, then
          3) Next July I return to Stanford and allow them to put me a liquid diet to get me to a weight where they can do gastric bypass
Need to follow these steps to create smart goals:
          Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? Specify the what, who, where, when why and how.
          Measurable: How can you track your progress? How will you know when you have completed your goal?
          Attainable: Is achieving this goal realistic in terms of effort and commitment? Do you have the resources necessary to complete this goal? If not, how will you get them?
          Realistic: Is the goal attainable? Is the goal in line with your core values and mission for life?
          Time Specific: When will you complete this goal? When is the deadline, and is the deadline realistic?
          Follow those steps, and you have created a SMART goal.
Eight Goals (it is always comes back to 8)
          2 Goals measured by weight loss by a specific date
          1 Goal measured by waist line
          3 Goals by swimming goals
          2 Goals based on healthy monthly weight loss
          Goal 1: The Garmin Swim Goal (50,000M in December)
          Goal 2: 25 Lbs. by January 15
          Goal 3: 60,000 Meters in January
          Goal 4: 25 Lbs. by February 28
          Goal 5: 10 Lbs. by March 31
          Goal 6: Get seatbelt on w/o extender
          Goal 7: 10 Lbs. by May 31
          Goal 8: Mile open water swim in <50mins
                All Goals Deserve a Good Reward!
                Rewards are based on Success!
        Goal/Reward 1: 51,000 Meters
December 2013 = Garmin Swim

Goal/Reward 2: 25 Lbs. by January 14, 2014 = Activity Tracker: BodyMedia or Activelink

          Goal/Reward 3: 60,000 Meters in January = New Parka to keep me warm at the pool!

          Goal/Reward 4: 25 lbs by 2/28/14 = Jean Bonus! - b/c I will finally fit back into them at this point :D

          Goal/Reward 5: 10 Lbs. by March 31, 2014 = New Swim Gear!
          Goal/Reward 6: Get seatbelt on w/o extender = New Shades
          Goal/Reward 7: 10 Lbs. by 5/31/13 = Trip to Vegas!!!!

          Goal/Reward 8: Mile Swim Under 50 Minutes = New Wardrobe

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