Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Swim Schedule for year-end 2013…

I am struggling here people.  My energy is way down and I am so tired.  I actually skipped my swim last night.  I just couldn’t do it.  I felt like crap.  I don’t think it was an excuse.  I always worry that I am going to start failing all over again.  It was hard for me to go home and take care of myself but I did.  The night was spent trying to get warm and rest.  I have to get back on track tonight.  I can do this!

I have a plan to get us to 51,000 meters this month... This I promise. We only have another 31,950 to go. There are 20 eligible days for swimming left in the month. I guess in the year. Friday the 13th was to be a rest day but we used that yesterday.

12/21/13 I have to travel, so that day is out. I can’t swim after flying back east. I just can't.

While I am home, it is going to be hard to find a pool. Let's just be honest, I don't want to go outside a lot while I am there and I would have to try and find a pool. So who knows... I will look but I can't promise anything.

However, if I follow the schedule below, we should kick this in the ass! I like to kick things in the ass. That is just how I roll! Ass kicker.... Billy Baracus! I pity the fool who don't like me swimming! Anyway, I am taking things easy today.  I will do a pyramid of breast tonight… and hopefully shake this weak feeling and this sickness that has come into play. 

My roommate reminds me I am pretty much swimming two hours every time I get in the pool and that is a lot.  That I have to remember to rest and take care of my body and listen to it.  It is hard for me to do, because every time I take time off I think I am making an excuse and being lazy.  I am constantly sore, but I think of that as my badge of honor.  Its b/c I am working hard.  I need to sleep more and worry less.  What will be will be… Ka will show us the path.  It always does.  We just have to remember that.  I love what I am doing in the pool.  We will have to work really hard to start fueling the body properly.  Baby steps.  We are making changes.  Anyone who says “Everything is the same” is wrong.  Even me, I have to admit a lot hasn’t changed, but a lot has.  We are better and getting better each day we wake up and go out and fight the good fight.  Every time we set boundaries at work, and at home.  Every time we rain in the obsessive mind.  Every time we get into the pool and see the path of the beam we are better than we were.  Sending Mom Carol Weight watcher recipes today so that we can eat healthy when I am home, b/c normally the minute I step foot into Indiana all bets are off, I eat whatever I want, when I want.  I can’t do that.  I have come to far, worked too say fuck it and give up now.  I know the tower is getting closer.  I can feel it in my bones.  I am not the same man I was when I started this journey.  I will succeed.  I can and I will do this.  51,000 Meters in December not fucking problem, I just have to take care of myself first.  Always, me first.  Always!

Swim schedule as follows and work-outs by day:

Dates: Meters: Day:
12/10/2013 Rest Tuesday
12/11/2013 2600 Wednesday
12/12/2013 2700 Thursday
12/13/2013 2700 Friday
12/14/2013 3000 Saturday
12/15/2013 3100 Sunday
12/16/2013 2650 Monday
12/17/2013 2700 Tuesday
12/18/2013 2600 Wednesday
12/19/2013 2700 Thursday
12/20/2013 Optional Friday
12/21/2013 Travel Saturday
12/22/2013 Look for a Pool Sunday
12/23/2013 B's bday! Monday
12/24/2013 Look for a Pool Tuesday
12/25/2013 Holiday Wednesday
12/26/2013 2000 Thursday
12/27/2013 2500 Friday
12/28/2013 3000 Saturday
12/29/2013 3100 Sunday
12/30/2013 2650 Monday
12/31/2013 2700 Tuesday

Swims on Monday’s:

400 swim IM
400 pull IM
5 x 50 free
5 x 50 breast
4 x 75 free
4 x 75 breast
200 kick im
10 x 25 free
200 cool down breast

Swim’s on Tuesday’s:

- 600 Warm Up breast/free
- 200 pull/kick free
- 200 pull/kick breast
- 400 kick moderate - fins
- 300 free        
- 200 breast    
- 400 IM Kick
- 400 breast cool down...

Swim’s on Wednesday’s:

50   – free
100 – breast
200 – breast
300 – breast
400 – breast
500 – breast
400 – breast
300 – breast
200 – breast
100 – breast
50   - free

Swim’s on Thursday’s: 

400      IM Warm-up
500      pull/kick breast
200      breast
500      pull/kick free
200      free
500      5 x 100 im w 15 seconds rest are next
400      IM Cool Down

Swim’s on Friday’s:

- 600 Warm Up breast/free
- 200 pull/kick free
- 200 pull/kick breast
- 400 kick moderate - fins
- 300 free        
- 200 breast    
- 400 IM Kick
- 400 breast cool down...

Saturday Swim:

Warm up:

- 4 x 75 - kick/easy
- 4 x 75 - pull/easy

Main Set:

- 1 x 50 - breast/easy
- 2 x 100 - backstroke/moderate
- 3 x 150 - breaststroke/moderate
- 4 x 200 - freestyle/moderate
- 3 x 100 - kick at hard

Cool Down:

- 9 x 50 IM Pull
- 150 easy IM

Sunday Swim:

1, 200:

1 x 400 (:20 Swim and drill mix. Do drills for technique practice for one length, then swim for one length, then repeat.
1 x 400 (:20 Kick. First 25 of each at a moderate effort, the rest of each is easy.
1 x 400 (:20 Pull. First 25 of each at a moderate effort, the rest of each is easy.

Take some extra rest if needed, sip some water or sports drink, and get ready for the main set.

Main Set

4 x 50 (:20 Kick. Desc 1-4. That means each kick is faster than the one before it.
1 x 100 (:20 Swim. Any way you want to do it.
4 x 75 (:20 Kick. The last 25 of each 75 is as fast as you can kick; the first 50 is easy.
1 x 100 (:20 Swim. Any way you want to do it.
4 x 100 (:20 Kick. The first 25 of each 100 is as fast as you can kick; the remainder of each is easy.
1 x 100 (:20 Swim. Any way you want to do it.
4 x 75 (:40 Kick. The first and last 25 of each 75 is as fast as you can kick; the middle 25 is easy.
1 x 100 (:20 Swim. Any way you want to do it.
4 x 50 (:40 Kick. Fast. All of them!

 Cool down:

1 x 100 Swim. Loosen a bit more, collect your thoughts, and you are done



Note: December 26 the 2,000 will be figured out on the flight back from the Mid-west…  It will be an easy swim probably the same as the Turkey Day swim… 10 free and 10 breasts… god I would love to have 10 breasts on the 26th!


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