Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Path of Beam....

So true... life is ups and downs... and no path is truely a straight-line...   I really know how this feels...  its a journey not a destination.  i do think I have found the path of the beam though...  basically in the Dark Tower Cycle the Ka-tet of 19 and 99 had find the Path of the Beam and then follow the Path of the Beam all the way to the Dark Tower!

My path to the beam is tile.  It is normally black, sometimes it blue and I look at it six days a week. Some times the path is 25 yards, some time 25 meters, or even 50 meters, I love it when it is 50 meters.  I love it! It makes me work hard and it keeps me honest.  I am on the path of the beam.  I am and my tower is closer....

The Path of Beam... Obviously I am on the path of the beam know as the Fish-Rat... becasue after all I am the Blackfish and I am swimming to the tower. 

Funny thing, someone told me yesterday meters didn't mean anything to them.  So they had not idea how far i was swimming and not being a smart man i had to go to the internet and figure it out. 

Since December 1, 2013 I have swam 19,050 and that equats too 12 miles, I have almost swam a half marathon.  Pretty fucking good right?  I am working hard people. 

As a matter of fact... I have swam 90,350 meters since October 1.... That is 56 miles  ... i was so excited about that I blurted it out in the SVP of sales office... he gave me a fist bump then blew it up.  That is prettty great.  right?  that is more than one way to the office for me... by about 16 miles...  that is like swimming from my house to San Francisco.  Or swimming from Indianapolis to Bloomington.  (From where I went to college people to the state capitol).   22 to laps around the Indianpolis 500 track.  18 football fields.  Two and half times across the english channel and finallys swimming back and forth from alcatraz to SF 8 times.  Assuming none of these mythical sharks get me or I don't die of hypothermia.  the point it is pretty fucking good!

We have to get better at the food.  I have too.  i have to log everything.  Even those little bars I eat from WW.  I am not doing my part.  How the fuck can you swim 56 miles and not lose weight?  its b/c I am eating better but not as good as I need too.  So we have room to improve.   However, we are better and we are on the path of the beam.  Every day the tower gets closer.  Everyday we are getting better.  Every day we grow.  I can do this!

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