Monday, December 30, 2013

Back from the Dead....

well, I survived a lot of things over the last week. 

1) Holiday Travel - always a pain the ass, if you ask me, and each i am dumb enough to do it again?
2) Family - I jest here of course.  :)
3) Food Poisoning from La Vic.....

1) flights were fine... but there was some nervousness getting out of phx on the way home... the flight was delayed due to ball bearings.  you will have that from time to time.  then on way back, there is always a debate about how early I should get to the airport, especially since Indy doesn't have an express lane for first class for check in or to get through security.  My brother in law refused to go above the speed limit, so, there was stress.  Lots and lots of stress. 

2) Family - I jest... i love my family and that is why I go throuh all non-sense to spend time with them

3) Food Poisoning from La Vic's.... yes, Rachel picked me up on Thursday at noon.  We were hungry so we agreed on la vic's b/c we needed some orange sauce, b/c isn't everything in life better with La Vic's orange sauce.  So we went.  We bought two orange sauces for future use, starting with our meal.  We ate, we felt great and I went to nap.  Rachel texted me that she had barfed and I was like oh no... I never thought that it might be food poisoning, not even when i ate some pizza for dinner that night.  however, when my stomach started to bark before the pizza ever arrived, I knew I might be in some trouble.  However, the truth is I wanted to eat, so I did.  Then I went to bed b/c I had to be at work the other day, so.... when I was up at 3:30 spraying my previous days food all over the god's earth, I should have know i was in trouble.  As a matter of fact from 6 a.m. to noon, I was up every hour on the hour getting sick.  I will just say getting sick.  I won't go into details, but basically, if there was a way for bad gunky to get out of me over the course of that period, it found a way to get out of me.  I had to call in sick to work, which was like the 2nd time in my 6 years at this godsforesaken place.  i spent the rest of day getting sick and sleeping on and off.  it was really one of the worst experiences in my life.  I laughed, I cried, I cried, I spewed, I crapped, I snooted, I cried, and wished for death to come.  It would have been better.  I was unaware how much bile one can produce.  I produce a lot.  it was really awful. From 3:30 friday morning till pretty much the end of Saturday i was a hot mess and I have to thank Rachel for being a great roommate and being there fore me the entire way.  I give her two notorious thumbs up.  Thanks for the soup, the pepto, Alka-Seltzer, not letting me eat waffles, or anyting else but water, gatoraide and bread until Sunday night.  Otherwise, i might still be sick.  it was very, very helpful!  

I know it is good to be back from the dead.  I am all better now, thanks so much for asking :)

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