Monday, December 2, 2013

December is here!

2500 and one hour and thirty-five minutes in the books and we are here swimming in December. Holiday season bring it on. We are on a mission to swim another 51,000 Meters this month. Well guess what only 48,500 more to go!
We are going to break the mold this holiday season. Most Americans gain some weight and throw all routines out the window during the holidays. I say Hum-bug to that. I say it's time to make a stand. We have won two great battles already in Q4. First the swim goal, that is right, I am still harping on it. I beat its ass and I am proud. Then came the Thanksgiving win. I have not spoken of this to anyone except my roommate. How is this for Thanksgiving tradition?
Every year I have spent Thanksgiving in California, after eating dinner at a friend’s house, I stopped on the way home at 7-11.  This is what I would do after stuffing myself all day long at a friend’s house remember.  I never skimped on dinner, no, no, no!  I ate appetizers, full dinner, 2nds’, 3rds, and dessert.  So I would waddle into the 7-11 and pick up the following.  Every year.  I would do this: 1 bag of BBQ Lays, the big bag, not a small bag, 1 pint Ben and Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough, 1 pint Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked.  You have to remember this was never planned.  It was never thought out.  It was never planned.  It just was because at these dinners there was something missing, not family love, or kinship.  Nothing like that, because honestly I would do the same in Terre Haute, just in another method. No one likes the breakfast casserole, and mash potato monster that haunts the house in Indiana.  That kid who still eats himself even now until he fills like he is going to burst.  No something was missing in me.  Hope?  Confidence?  Love?  Some of these?  All of these?  Who really knows.  The truth is I never thought about it.  I just did it.  It was easier to do, not think.  There was no self-awareness.  No accountability.  So, I won’t lie to you I was worried when I was leaving A’s after dinner.  It weighed on my mind.  That the need to fix would take hold.  I ate rationally at A’s.  It was great food.  She is a one hell of a cook.  I was comfortable, not over stuffed.  I felt good, but in the back of my mind the voice was asking.  Are we going to go?  Are we going to stop on the way home?  The roommate won’t be back yet. No one will ever know.  However, I would know.  So, when I got in my car, and drove home I told myself I would not stop.  The voices did their normal battle, one more time, just one more time.  Come on let’s eat one more time.  We have been so good.  I just drove.  I drove straight to the McDonald’s drive thru that is.  However, I knew what I would order before I ever got there, it would be a hot chocolate and a diet coke.  I will take that any day over the BBQ chips, and 2 pints of cream.   I quenched my need for sweet with the coco and well I just love the fountain McDonald’s diet coke. So we won again, the wins keep piling up.  Also, I am down 5 over the last two weeks.  You have to be happy about that.   We are going to have a super successful Holiday Season people!  Let’s go!
Like I said Sunday we swam!  Because that is what I do….  
The swim felt really good, my arms are really sore, as are my shoulders. It felt great to swim.
- 300 Breaststroke
- 100 Freestyle
- 100 Breaststroke
- 100 Freestyle
- 200 Breaststroke
- 200 Kick Freestyle
- 500 Freestyle
- 500 Breaststroke
- 200 Kick hard
- 300 Pull

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