Sunday, May 31, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 12 - The Dumbass Move of the Day

I told El Beav last week when we were making dinner before the Warriors game that one of these days I was going to fuck up and turn the wrong burner on one day.  Whenever I try turn on the back right burner, I accidently turn on the front right one.  I told him that one of these days that I was going to turn on the front right by accident and there was going to be something on the burner and I was going to burn my house down.  So guess what?  Today was that day.  Well, almost.

So, I went into the kitchen to put my fajitas on.   I opened my three ringed binder and laid it on the stove.  Why I put it on the stove, I can’t say, but I did.  Then I decided to put on pot of tea.  I always do this on the back right burner.  So the kettle was on.  And went to work.
Red and green pepper where laid in first. 

Then two yellow sweet onions.

Then four chicken boobs and some good salsa.

So, there I was working on my fajitas.  Getting everything ready.  Every now and then I would look over at Shiner and make some foolish comment about her being a dog.  I am not sure why I feel the need to always tell her she is a dog, but I do.  She lay there with a grin on her face and her tongue almost dropping to the floor.  Then I would go right back to work on my fajitas. 
I was pouring salsa.  When all the sudden I started coughing.  I felt a bit of a burning in my throat.  I turn and looked and to my dismay I was staring at a cloud of black smoke.  I couldn't at first.  I  was stunned for an entire minute and standing there coughing. 
I immediately moved to turn off the stove and then pull the three ringed-binder up there was a tangle of black tar that was stringy and gross.  I let out a few more throat burning coughs. 

The binder was cooked.  No pun intended.  

The stove is a mess as well.  I am not really sure how I will clean it.  I cough for  few more minutes.  Then took a walk outside the house to get some fresh air.  I am so happy, I didn't leave to go take a shower or something where things could have gotten really out of hand. 

My throat is still a little sore but over all I feel great.  Other than feeling like a jackass who almost burned my place to the ground.  However, it wasn't the first time or the last time that I did something stupid.  I just has to be more careful next time and I have to absolutely not keep anything on the stove especially a plastic covered three ringed-binder. 

Anyway the crisis was missed thank goodness and all I am out is a binder.  I have to get a new one. 

However through all this, Shiner just laid there in the her spot outside the kitchen door way and didn't ever get up or move.  Which sort of surprises me now that I think of it.  She just laid there with her grin on her face and her tongue hanging.  I almost wonder if this isn't pay back for me making the kitchen off limits for her.  I mean the kitchen is tiny and I am a natural klutz so having Shiner under foot is really the best thing.  Plus I drop a lot of shit on the floor and I don't want her eating it.  So either she has learned to lover her spot or she was thinking this is what he gets for kicking me out the kitchen.  She is to damn cute to be the sinister I think

Although I am sinister enough to take her on a two mile walk so that she is worn out and sleeps while I go back to work in the kitchen and clean so I can don't have to worry about entertaining her =)

And she is out like  a light

Saturday, May 30, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 11 - I lost a Macintosh Portable

The last 11 days have been sort of crazy, my life has been turned upside down and stress is behind every corner, and on top of that, I am doing this whole food challenge.  As you know on the challenge I have committed to living without the following items for 30 days:

- Sugar
- Most Fruits (I have been fruitless for 11 days)
- Coffee
- Caffeine
- Grain
- anything processed
- and there are more things but you get the gist of it.

I have worked really hard trying to meet the challenge at every turn.  I am reading labels.  I am asking questions.  I am trying to eat my veggies. Not always so good at that.  I am cooking breakfast every day. 
Also, I am walking every morning first thing when I get up.  I know that is helping me get healthy and Puppy loves it too. 
I feel good.  I really do feel good.  I am proud of myself for keeping up with the challenge.  It is actually becoming second nature.  I won’t say it is easy, because it isn’t simple.  I will say it is manageable and is becoming part of the daily routine. 
I found myself telling Chrissy (RESET Challenge Master) I am feeling like the only thing I want to add back in when I am done is Coffee.  Is that true?  Well only time will tell.  However, I am feeling so good and I am eating so well.  So why not give it the ole college try.  Now I probably won’t be as militant as I am being right now.  No beans at Chipolte, or no BBQ at Armadillo Willy’s on the few times I go there in a pinch.  However, again only time will tell. 
If there was a doubt that eating whole foods wasn’t helping, and there was not, those would have been cast away after my morning weigh in. I stepped on the scaled today and I almost shat myself. I couldn’t believe the reading.  I mean I wanted to believe, but I just couldn’t.  I think the lady weighing me in at Weight Watchers saw my eyes almost burst of my head.  I couldn’t believe I was down 11.2 pounds!  That means in 11 days on the detox I am actually down 16.8!  That is what I said.  I am losing at a rate of more than a pound a day.  That is fucking awesome!  As a matter of fact if you want to know what it was like carrying around those 16 lbs look at the picture of the Macintosh portable above and think about taking that with you everywhere you go.  It being with you each time you stand up or sit down.  Then think about how good it would feel to be without it, and then maybe you will know how I feel right now.
For the first time in a long time, I feel like I am going to win again.  That I am on the path of the beam and I am standing and being true to my mission.
I know what some people would say, it is probably water weight or I have dehydrated myself.  However, that can’t be the case.  I drink 80 ounces of water before I ever get to work every morning and have for a week.  I have also drunk 80 to 120 at work each day.  Finally, I have at least another 40 when I get home.  I am hydrating like a mug.   My water consumption and hydration have never been better and this is from a man who has feared dehydration for the last 15 years.
I am down 40 pounds overall since November 15 of last year.  From this point forward every pound I loose will be the lightest I have been in three or four years.  We are in uncharted territories now.  Jeans are just around the corner, can you fucking believe that I am going to be able to get into jeans again!
Anyway I am super stoked and we aren’t even at the halfway point of the challenge yet.  I just made my shopping list for the week.   Then I am off to TJ’s and Lunardi’s and then food preparation shall commence. 
I am super excited and can’t wait to see how the next week goes!  However, I am most excited to report that…..

The Tower is Closer!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 10 - Happy Friday!!!! TGIF!

Happy Friday from Day 10 of the RESET Challenge.  I think it is going great!!!  I feel pretty darn good, I have walked every morning since starting.  I have been eating pretty good and unlike last weekend I am not just happy for the weekend so I can sleep in.  I am happy it is the weekend because the last 48 hours have been crazy busy at work.  None stop! Sometimes that is the nature of the beast, and I am not complaining about it, I am just ready for some rest and refresh.  Also, really looking forward to the big ass breakfast burrito I am going to make tomorrow morning.  I am on this burrito ommie kick right now.  I might have to find some sausage to put up in there.  I am not really sure. 

Well I have to stop day dreaming about burritos and breakfast and get cranking on the day.  Never a dull moment around here. 

Tomorrow is a weigh.  Other than that is the only thing I have to is walk, sleep, and sun =)  That has all the making of a pretty good weekend! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 9 - Crispy Pig

I think I have already said that the 16 hour nom nom paleo pig might be the most important thing that has happened to me in the last 12 months.  If it isn't, it should have been.  I love that stuff.  I really do.  However last night on the way I realized that I didn't want to eat just pulled pig plan.  It just didn't sound interesting to me.  I have started to learn that I need to be interested in my food to eat it and enjoy.  Well not only that but also excited about it.  If I am not excited about what I am going to eat then I just, well will eat something that I am excited about.  Which is strange, I am trying really hard to teach myself food is only fuel, yet for some reason in my mind I won't eat said fuel because I want it to taste good. Hmmm... So I was driving home and I was look dude you can't eat sugar, you can't eat grain, you can't eat dairy, you can't eat anything but real whole foods and you dumb ass you have 2 lbs of pulled pig that is fucking awesome at home.  So you really should go home and eat that.  Now in the past I have pizza'ed up my pig with a little pineapple and almond crust.  I have put it in the BBQ sauce.  I have made piggy tacos.  And I could go on and on.  None of these really spoke to me last night.  None of them really said, ya, lets eat this shit up.

So, I was driving along and suddenly, I started thinking about CARNITAS.  This lead me to thinking about burritos.  It also made me think about the yummy salsa I had in the fridge.  The tasty jalapenos on the shelf.  There was a brief struggle with do I really want to eat another paleo tortilla.  I mean they are paleo but they aren't really a whole food.  So this has been something I have been thinking about a lot lately.  I hate the idea of giving up my tortillas and pizza crusts and just eating whole foods. However, that is a topic for another day and another time.  Anyway I decided fuck yes, I wanted another tortilla and I wanted to make CARNITAS.  I mean you use pig in CARNITAS RIGHT?  Then as I was driving home, I realized, I don't know how to make CARNITAS.   I certainly wasn't sure if I could make it from already cooked piggy.  So.... I decided I would make something like CARNITAS (Which I still don't know how to make but think a project might be coming up soon to make one) and that something would be Crispy Pig! (picture above).

How does one make Crispy Pig, well first they put some melted coconut oil in the big pan.  Then they add in some tasty pulled piggy.  Then they add some bacon crumbles.  Yes, I added bacon crumbles.   Why you say?  Because bacon is fucking good and I had it.  Then I mixed in some onions.  Then El Beav who just happened to be stopping by to drop me off a warriors shirt which is pretty bad ass, told me I should add some jalapenos.  So we did ,and we cooked the hell out of that pig and we got a very, very tasty burrito filling. 

So I started with my tortilla:

Added Pig:
Added Salsa and Avocado (which was fucking yummy):
Then I wrapped that shit up and I ate and it was awesome!!!!!

The RESET Challenge is rocking on.  21 more days after today and we are going strong.  I have walked every day on the challenge for at least 25 minutes.  I have been logging my food. 
 I am 9 days removed from the Coffee. 
I have not had any fruit or sugar in that time. 
I feel great even know I am buried at work, and I am excited to keep up the good fight. 
However, I still have not been eating enough veggies.  but, each day I get a few more in. I am starting to enjoy peppers... and I have some ideas from our fearless RESET leader Chrissy on how to get more greens in. 
So you know over all things are on the upward trend.  I have two more people tell me I am shrinking at work and doesn't that just make my fucking day, it does really.  I don't really see a difference, I feel one in my pants and in my mood.  So, we will take the victories where we can get them. 
Guess what tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!! And that isn't to fucking shabby at all!  Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 8 - who thought I would do this on a weekday morning before work....

I was up at before the alarm at 5:55 that is something that just doesn't happen anymore.  I played with Shiner for a bit and then we got up and went for a walk.  It was 31 minutes and it was the best and easiest morning walk we have had since she has been over.  I felt good on the walk.  No strong, but good.  (Actually sitting here my legs are aching like crazy, but a good ache from doing good things).  On the way home I decided it is 6:30 you know what I am going to do?  I am going to make another breakfast burrito this morning.  But way I said to myself, how can I do that I don't have any paleo tortillas.  Well, I says to myself I can fix that, I can crank out some paleo tortillas before I go to the office.  It was after all only about 6:30 a.m. and I have a good hour and a half before I had to be on the road and still be in the office on time at nine. 
so, I got home and cranked out some breakfast with spares for the rest of the week.  =)
First, I put on hot water for tea.  That is right baby Billy b is back on the tea, there was a time I would tea it up every day and I would yell from cube to a good friend in another cube that I was steeping and she would tell me when I had steeped enough.  It has been a long time since then and when we moved the office to Pleasanton I got off the tea.  I don't know why.  I think tea is perfectly legal in Pleasanton. 
After putting on a pot, I turned my attention to the bacon.  I had six slices which was perfect b/c then I could have bacon for every day of the rest of the week. I mean there was three work days left after today.  Then I remember it is already Mid-week!  Short week!!! Sweet!  So I have bacon cook for a burger maybe later this week or perhaps Saturday breakfast.  The point is I fried that piggy up. 
After that I went to work on the paleo tortillas, once again I cooked in threes thinking Wednesday was Tuesday.  Again, it doesn't matter, I have an extra one and I am not mad at that. 
Then it was time for the one egg Billy b ommie complete with jalapeno, and onions.  It is awesome!
Anyway, I did it, I cooked a full breakfast this a.m., it was freaking good, and I still got to work by 9.  What a productive morning... here is to many many more just like this one =)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 7

That there is a jalapeno ommie on top of some bacon in a paleo tortilla =)  And it a fabulous way to start the day.  Any day!  I know because I did it the last two days!  The one picture was from yesterday and that is a two egg job, and I have decided two eggs are to many.  I went with one egg today and it was perfect.  Not so easy to eat in the car, but I gave it the ole college try.   

I spent a lot of time yesterday making food.  I shared yesterday the mayo, ketchup, and sandwich I did.  However the crown jewel of the week was the Boston Butt Hawaiin Style from Nom Nom Paleo cooking book.  It is freaking awesome!  This pig has become a go to staple for me.  And Pig = Good!

Also diced me a Jalapeno. 

really easy paleo tortilla - eggs, arrow root flour, coconut flour, coconut oil.  easy, easy!

Fried up some bacon.

Tortilla looks nice!

second tortilla on the stove. 

fry bacon fry.

That is a good looking ommie!

I like my bacon black!

Breakfast burrito = bad ass!

Look at that pulled piggy!  Super moist, and tasty, but most of all really easy to make.

I can't believe it has  been a week already.  I am feeling pretty good for the most part.  I am actually super sore from all the walking and time on my feet this weekend in the kitchen, but it is a good sore.  It is not I just walked the Avenue of the Giants with out training sore. 

Well I guess I should get to work.... blah........................

Monday, May 25, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 6

Sunday was a bust day.  

We used the leftover bun for a breakfast sandwich which was great!

Then we peeled sweet tators and made fries. Made home made mayo and ketchup.

And ended with a nice strip steak and veggies.  

It was the best day on the challenge to date!