Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Paradise Report Day 4: Helllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo SUN!


 Really there is no better feeling in paradise then waking up and looking out your window in the morning and see the beautiful blue skies of paradise, the blue blue water, and the sand.  Everything looks absolutely perfect.  It makes you feel glad to be alive. 

The reason for everything being so a live and wonderful is because our god the sun has come out to see us.  It is no longer hiding behind rain and clouds.  It is out and shining and making paradise, well paradise.  Of course, it also calls to you.  The sun does.  You want to be out in it, playing in it.  Laying in it.  Being active in it and being lazy in it too. 

All you want it is to sit back and enjoy it.  You try but work won't leave you alone. Every time you step on the elevator someone else calls you with someone else problem to fix.

Finally, after three phone calls you get to breakfast and you just sit there and watch the sun make everything look so warm and awesome.  Of course you eat your paleo breakfast, it is the only meal you have been 100% true on.  You will miss this ommie below with the pulled pig, it was a very tasty dish. 

Finally, you boss calls, tell you to go get in the sun for a few hours and then we can review an agreement later that afternoon.  So you do what he says, you go out to the sun and you sit there  for three hours and read your Stephen King and just love the fact that you got at least one beautiful perfect day in paradise.  You also get burned to a crisp but that is par for the course for your first real sun of the year. 

So far it has been a super relaxing and enjoyable trip to Paradise =) 

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