Monday, September 22, 2014

not according to plan...

Not according to plan… 

Buffalo wings, French Fries, double cheeseburgers aren’t healthy eating foods.  The first weekend since Labor Day I was able to eat and I went dark side.  I ate everything I didn’t want to eat.  What the fuck is up with that.  That isn’t what I wanted to do.  That isn’t the start to the New Year I wanted.  I wanted to come out swinging and fighting.  Not curled up on the bathroom floor yakking my brains out because I ate garbage. 

I need a plan.  I need to get on track.  I know diets don’t work.  Tyson has moved on.  He is starting another business.  I am so happy for him and his chasing his dreams, so he won’t have time to cook for me anymore.  So what do I do now?  The truth is I know exactly what to do.  I have always known what to do.  Move more, eat less, eat more green, eat less fried.  It isn’t hard.  Drink lots of water. 

I know the formula.  I know what to do.  I just need to execute.  Now more than ever, the 15 lbs is a good start.  I want to wear jeans again.  I have to get focused.  For the time being I will go back to counting points At least that way I have some guidelines to stay in while I figure out a more of a long term plan.

I don’t know.  I really want to start exercising and swimming again.  I am going crazy resting all the time.  However this cough is a brutal.  Brutal I say!  Anyway…  here is to healing and getting better! 

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