Wednesday, September 24, 2014



I can’t really explain it.  I think this cold not only made me cough, cough, tear a stomach muscle, and cough some more.  It also stole my ability to dream.  The cough lessons each day.  Each day I feel better and stronger, I sit here and wait for my ability to dream to come back.  However, it doesn’t. 

Without my ability to dream, I can’t write.  If I can’t write, I can’t blog.  If I can’t blog, I am very sad.  I have already said it several times this isn’t the September we wanted to have.  However, it is the September we had.  Deal with it.

All writers get writers block.  Perhaps this cold just brought out mine.  Even in the midst of the block, I have been true to my weight watchers points!  Again, not that 100% behind the idea of being on WW again, but it at least gives me some needed boundaries while I eat whatever I want.  Why not roll with it. 

I still love my new job.  It is very exciting.  I feel needed, supported, and like I am making a difference that is a big thing.  There is a lot of room for improvements and I think I can make a big difference. 

Things are slowly but surely returning to normal.  I like normal.  I can start focusing on my health.  That is where my time is most needed.  I have walked the last three days.  That is a plus.  I have to keep moving.  So as I return back to health and things turn back to normal, I expect to get started on the battle again.  I expect this block to go away.  I expect to get better, better every day!

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