Friday, September 12, 2014

from bad to worse and then back, then back again

If everyday of year 2 of this blog is like the evening of 365th day of last year and yesterday, then no thanks!  I don’t want to play. I would rather be gang probed repeatedly by aliens.   Some how after feeling good on Wednesday afternoon, things took a huge shit on Wednesday night.  It started with dinner.  It started with me coughing so much and so hard, I left dinner all over my comforter.  Yes, that is right, I hurled from coughing.  Its like the cough was coming from my very belly itself.

So after battling insomnia till 4 in the morning, I finally woke up around noon? Maybe.  Feel back asleep and didn’t get out of bed until at least two.  The entire time I coughed.  I coughed and coughed and coughed.  I almost drowned to death from all the phlegm in my room.  It was awful. I mean it really, really awful.

Honestly, I have had insomnia all week.  I should actually record this because I am sure it really quite funny.  I start having conversations with myself about completely random shit.  Last night I spoke about the trench?  What fucking trench, I can’t say.  I just know I was talking to myself about it. This is me on an antibiotic; can you imagine me on fun drug?

I work up just before 7 this a.m. answered some texts, and got some Joe.  I am not so sure the Joe was a good idea or not and I know that is blasphemy to say.  I am not sure my tummy is ready for it.  After all it only got Canada Dry Ginger Ale and sprit yesterday.  Oh and a hot chocolate, but that didn’t stay down so we aren’t counting that.  However as I was sitting in the car on the way over to M’s to get my coffee, I noticed a foul smelling rancid odor in the car.  What become more and more apparent as I was driving to M’s was the rancid odor was me!  How long had it been since I had showered?  I know Wednesday at the gym I showered.  Hell I showered twice there.   Did I shower on Thursday?  Wait did I use soap at the gym?  I couldn’t recall.

So, I got home and did rub a dub dub time for Billy to get in the tub.  So, I am sure I have spoken about this before, but my house was made for the handy capable.  My bathroom has all hand capable stuff except bars.  The shower head it self is one of those hand held jobs.  That has a long hose running from it.  So as I was getting my rub a dub dub on in the Shower.  I will be god damned if that fucking hose didn’t burst and that hose starts whipping around and I will be gods damned if my bathroom doesn’t have an inch of water in it.  So when it rains it really does pour. Oh well fuck it.  At least I feel human right now.  I also feel like pancakes.  I have no idea, but suddenly I want the pancakes.  Mmmmm Pancakes.

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