Monday, September 8, 2014

home sick.

Fucking sinus infections are the bane of my fucking existence.  Nothing like your left ear feeling like it is going to explode due to all the built of pressure and that persistent nagging cough that never seems to want to go away. 

The question always become do you try and let the thing run its course or do you something else, something more drastic.  Like nuke the entire fucking system.  I am a firm believer in modern medicine.  I am a believer in the antibiotic.  However, I also know putting me on an antibiotic takes me down for a week or two. 

The cleaning of the system is a rough harsh one. 

Fuck I don't know.  Does it matter?  Doesn't it?  What I know if I am clearing my throat every minutes.  My ear hurts, and I am exhausted.  I don't feel liking writing today, so I thought I would write about my sinus infection.  Wow,  I must be really desperate for something to say.

I think  am going to take a nap.  ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

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