Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gobble till you Wobble 2: The tale of the Egg Blood Bath!

Gobble till you Wobble 2: The tale of the Egg Blood Bath!

So, I have been cooking a lot lately.  I got up this morning before work hours, since I am working from the San Jose office today.  So, I got up went and got some Joe, and then came home turned on some Magnum p.i. and got the eggs and Canadian bacon out.  I have really become a fan of the Canadian bacon, even if it is Canadian. 

So there I was warming up my pans.  I decided I was going to scramble four eggs.  Now I know nothing about scrambling eggs, but with most things in life I decided to give it the ole college tri.  I crack egg one into a bowl.  See my plan was to crack four eggs into a bowl.  Then spice them up, with a little Smokey Paprika, Chili Powder, and perhaps some ground cumen, I am not sold on that just yet, so I am not 100%.

My goal was to create flavor that blew my mind.   I have been finding flavor for years in bbq sauces, sweet and sour sauces, ketchup, etc…  Well, I can’t do that shit anymore.  No sugar, means, cutting back on the sauce. So, I have this vision of great flavored eggs.  Again, I am making this up as I go. 

I crack the second egg and I get a little shell in there.  No matter, I finger it out and do egg three.  Then I get to egg four.  I crack it, it cracks funny, then all the sudden the other three eggs are covered in blood.  My first reaction is you got to be fist fucking me, I catch the kitchen on fire Sunday, and then I cut my finger on an eggshell today.  What the fuck!!  How much bad luck can the Kid have in one week.  I check my hand.  No blood.  That is when I look back in the bowl and the yellow center of the forth egg has a little bloody dot in it.  I almost fucking barfed right hen and there.  I was sickened by it.  I mean really sickened.  I wanted to go into my room and get back in bed and cry.  It was almost more than I could bare.  The ideas of a sweet tator, bacon, and egg casserole for breakfast tomorrow went out the window and fast.  Really, I am can’t image eating eggs right now.  I am so bummed out.  My sister says, move on, and get over it, I am just not sure I can. 

In other news…. It’s the Day before Turkey and not a creature was stirring except Shiner the puppy dog.  Well, she isn’t really stirring she is sunning herself in the window.  This is what she must do all day when no one is here.  What a life. 

I am down another 3.2 pounds today!  Bring the 3 week total back to 9.2.  I am excited and think the backing off the sugar, grain, and dairy is helping a lot.  I am still eating really well, so things are on the up.

Walking has been really consistent too.  I am going to go later.  I felt like there was something else I meant to update here, but I can’t recall.  Anyway going to pick up my BBQ turkey and ham at 2, the sides are ready at Whole Foods, really excited about my first Paleo Thanksgiving!!! 

May you all Have Good Turkey and don’t forget to “Gobble Till You Wobble!”

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