Sunday, November 23, 2014

All before 1PM Today....

All before 1 PM today…

I wish all weekend days were as productive as today.  I have already started a fire, put out a fire, made a sauce, made a proper pot of chili, eat a bowl of chili, taken a half hour walk, and started to pull my pork.  I literally mean the pork I bought at the grocery store yesterday, not, shirk me girk, you perv.  

So, over the last few weeks as the temperature has dropped, I decided I needed a robe, to where in the morning and late evenings around the house.  Of course for years I have wanted a robe, but a very specific robe.  A large black one, complete with hood, way if I ever needed to go into Witch-king of Angmar, man in black, or Sith Mode I would be prepared.  So, when last week on King Size Direct a black Robe showed up that was large and hooded, you know I had to by it.  It came yesterday and this morning was the first morning I got to wear it.  It was super soft and warm.  And in my mind this is what I look like in it:  

I’ve also been really excited for this a.m. because I was going to finally try the sweet potato has that came with my meals.  I am not sure why but I thought for sure the sweet potato hash would be really good.  So of course I wore my black robe while cooking my sweet potato hash.  I am not 100% sure what happened.  It was either I used too much oil.  Some of the soft sweet black robe got caught in the pan, or just bad luck, but when I dumped the sweet potato has into the saucepan with the extra virgin olive oil, I will god damned if the pan didn’t burst into flames.  No, I shit you know.  It burst into flames.  I was not sure what the hell to do.  I had never been in a kitchen fire before.  Well that isn’t true Mom Carol caught a pan on fire once and she dumped something all over it, was it flower?  Sugar?  I don’t recall.  What I do know is I sort of panicked and picked the burning pot up off the stove and started to run out of the kitchen with it.  When I was like that isn’t a good idea.  I started to move towards the sink and dump it in there.  However, I was like I am not so that is a good idea. I think I blew on it next.  Then I picked up he spatula and started to smack at the fire.  Honestly, it all happened so fast I am not 100% sure what I did, to put it out.  I just know it went out the hash was burned, and the saucepan, well it was toasty to say the least.  I am still soaking and have tried to scrub it clean twice already.  It might be the end of that pot.  This isn’t such a good way to start of a Sunday in which you are planning on preparing food for the week.  I think most people would have stopped in the kitchen if they had almost started a fire just warming up stuff form the fridge.  No me, I am not that smart, and I had a pork pull after all, paleo style. 

Next on my list was to make the sauce, the BBQ Sauce.  There is nothing in life I love more than a BBQ sauce.  So, after eating some turkey sausage, which was a poor substitution for Sweet Potato Hash, I went back to it.  I will be god damned if I didn’t make a BBQ sauce:

I have to admit, I am pretty proud of myself!

Then it was time to play with the pork!  The recipe called for onions only, but I was like fuck that.  I am using the slow cooker, so I am going to add some sweet tators, and carrots.  Why not have some good root veggies with my pork.  I got it all put together, doesn’t look to bad does it! 

Even used my own sauce to cover it!

Next, it was time to make a proper pot of chili.  I used my fancy new toy I got at Safeway last week to help dice the ground beef, while I sautéed the carrots, celery, and onions. 

Then I combined it all into the pot and made a kick ass pot of deep kettle chili, which I portioned out for the week and added a little guacamole to, and bam!  We have five meals for the week:

Hey NONE of this is to BAD for a guy who started out on fire this a.m.!!!!

Also, had a kick ass 27-minute walk, almost forgot that. All before 1 p.m. too!  Let’s see what trouble I can get into the rest of the day!!!!

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