Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jeans in Jan 2015

I came up with a new motto today... Jeans in Jan 2015... I think I have noted once or twice here that I can't wear jeans because of how big I have gotten.  I haven't worn jeans since the fall of 2012.  I know its sad.   I am about 50 lbs. away from getting back into jeans.  I know I can loose 40 lbs. in a month.  I have done it before with doing Weight Watchers.  It was April of 2013 and I did pretty damn good.  It was easier back then b/c I had some one cooking for me and I never had to go into the kitchen.  I wasn't tempted at the store and I never ate out.  I am on my own this time.  However, I have a goal.  A really simple goal.  Wear jeans again.  Something I think we all take for granite.  I mean I could go find a pair of jeans now but they would have an elastic lining and be stone washed.  I would be the king of white trash!  However, I want real jeans :-) and we aren't really that far away from them. I think this is a good goal for Q4 and January. 

I am calculating a plan right now.  I have reached out to a good friend to get a workout routine want to do weights twice a week.  I am going to walk a couple times a week. I will swim too.   I am thinking at least 20 minutes a day 6 days a week.   Movement is key... I have a lot of people who will help and support me too.  I have a huge following and everything one wants me to be successful.

I will also commit to weight watchers and learning to deal with my food issues.  It is time.  I am going to be 39 in a month and it is time.  I can't go into my 40's the way I went into my 30's.  I can't.  At some point I have to focus on my future.  I have to do what is right by me.  So I like my new motto.  I like working on my plan and using every resource available to me.  It is time.  It is the time of the Reaper and his time to RISE...

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