Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Farewell Fuzzy

Naval "Fuzzy" Mullan aka The Grand Fuzzler during his farewell lunch @ Spoons!

Farewell Fuzzy!

I feel like a speaker for the dead.  Here I am once again writing to report that one of the first people I met at my company last day is tomorrow.  After nine years Naval or as I will forever know him Fuzzy Naval (ha ha get it it's like a fuzzy navel but different) or just Fuzzy but on the rare occasion the Grand Fuzzler is leaving the company.  And it sucks ass!  I bet he doesn't remember but I first met him going to get Starbucks with the man who would become my boss.  We had guy talk, I can't tell you for sure what we talk about but we talked about guy stuff and I knew I would call this man friend.  My first day at the company we went out for his birthday and again his presents made me know id made the right choice.   What can you say about Fuzzy other than he's just a great guy.    A good father and family man as they always came first.  A dedicated co-worker who stayed with you more late nights than you care to count.  However, above all else you call friend.  He has the best golf stories and vacation stories.  Also, one time he screwed his college roommate out of $100 and it took 20 years and him telling me the story to show him on a white board that his math had gone terribly wrong.  I can quite honestly say I've been to Spoons (Hooters) with him more than anyone else.  I'm really going to miss Naval.  He is a GREAT guy and although I'm sad he is leaving, I'm so happy he is going!  Unless you've worked in that finance org you can't understand what I mean.  Can you believe there is only one person in finance that was there when I started now.  1 person left and it's not me because I high tailed it out of accounting a few months ago.   The really f'ed thing is 80% of the people that left, left in the last year or year and a half.  Hot market? Maybe. Better opportunities? Maybe.  But come on something seems skewed in that population.  90 plus turnover in finance and 100% in legal... Hmmm.  Strange.  However let's not talk about that now.  I digress, the point is another friend is leaving tomorrow.   Another friend is leaving and it bums me out, because I'll miss him.  Another friend is leaving and I'm smiling ear to ear because it's the best thing that could have happened to him!  Good Luck Fuzzy and never look back brother!  You will be missed!!!

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