Monday, October 20, 2014

As of Today, I renounce you....

Today is going to be hard.  Not because I woke up at 4 a.m.  No that seems to be the new normal for me.  Not because it is Monday either.  In the past Monday has been a huge challenge for me. However, now I treat Monday like any other day.  Honestly, since I started my two liters in the morning Monday’s have been easy for me.  No, today is going to be hard for what I am about to renounce. 

I came across a blog yesterday and the blog was called  I have to admit, I am fucking inspired.  He did.  He did what I want to do.  He made the sacrifice and lost over 200 pounds.  If he can do it, then I can do it.  I can succeed, I know I can.  One pound at a time, I can succeed.  I emailed Tim and told him the truth about my journey.  I currently feel lost and trapped.  Every day I swear to start over, and every day I get up and eat garbage.  Tim may or may not email me back.  I am sure he gets a ton of people pinging him each day.  After thinking about it long and hard, I went to the World Wide Web and looked to see how I could get jump started.  The Web had no easy answers.  So I turned to Amazon Prime to see if they could help me out and I came across a movie called “The Perfect Human Diet”.  For those of you who don’t believe we came from monkey’s you will probably have a hard time believing what the movie is telling us.  However, it gets to a point that basically, lean meat and veggies is the diet our kind had been living on for 1.9M years until we started growing grains.  Long story short grains = bad, fruits, veggies, lean meat = good.  I got the same message from both Tim and The Perfect Human Diet.  So that is goodness in my mind.  Look, I am first and foremost a carnivore.  I love the meat. End of the day every meal I eat what I love the most about it is the meat.  So I say to myself let us eat meat and be merry.  At the same time let’s work in some green stuff.  I do actually really like romaine lettuce and spinach. 

Everything I looked at yesterday gave me no easy way to get jump started.  How in the hell do I get going?  I was not sure.  I couldn’t be for sure. Moreover I spent the day researching and watching movies, about eating right and didn’t make it to the store.  So, without planning, really how the hell do I get started on a new path?    

The answer came to me as I walking out of the house at 5:50 this a.m.  During the battle the rages on in me every day when I walk out that door and get into Snowflake.  Are we getting McDonald’s breakfast or not?  I searched and searched the World Wide Web looking for something that under a paleo method you could get away with eating the Egg McMuffin, but there was nothing.  That battle started earlier than leaving the house.  So, I said ok, I won’t eat till I get to the office, and at the office I can get an egg and some pig and that will have to do.  However, I also told myself we would get our coffee black.  No milk and no sweetener.  Thus, my journey began without me really knowing it.  So, on the drive up here I told myself I am not ready to go 100% Paleo just yet.  However, I am willing to start making changes today.  Right now, it is time to keep moving forward.  So, as of today Monday October 20, 2014 I hereby renounce the following:

·         Milk

·         Cheese

·         Really any Dairy

·         Pizza

·         Potatoes

·         Bread of any form

·         Flour

·         Wheat

·         Fried Foods

So, as of Today, we start new.  We start Fresh.  As of today we start working towards Jeans in January 2015!!! We got this!


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