Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 23: No Plans day - make time to slow down and be kind to yourself...

Action Calendar: The Self-Care September Sunday September 23:

No Plans day - make time to slow down and be kind to yourself...

No plans... Lets see how I did? 

I made breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week. 
   - Oatmeal for Breakfast
   - Lasagna for Lunch
   - Taco Casserole for Dinner

I did my laundry. 

I packed Kona's lunches for the week.

I packed my meds

Trained Kona

So I am not sure if I slowed down or not, and at 8:20 I am exhausted and ready for bed. 

I did get to spend a few hours out back with Kona.  We did what we normally do, just hanging out and throwing her toy.  That's all to report. 

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