Sunday, September 2, 2018

back to the pool...

Got to get back to swimming today. After back to back days of walking hard in the pool I was happy.

Yesterday I walked a mile in the pool in 56 minutes. I’m not gonna lie it might have been the hardest mile I’ve ever done. A mile is 72 laps in a 25 yard pool. By lap 56 I had nothing left. I had to will myself to keep pushing forward. I think the last ten laps took longer than the rest of the work out, lol, I was zig zagging the lane. However, I got it done and I’m happy.

Today it was supposed to be a 1200 yard swim of mini pyramids. Due to bad math on my part I ended up doing 1350. I did a 400 freestyle. The free style was hard as fuck, I am not sure if it is allergies or air quality but breathing has not been easy the last week or so. Then on my 100 free I drank a big gulp of Pool water. Ewwww

After the free I struggled thru backstroke for 400 yards. Again air just feel heavy right now. Deep breathes hurt and I’m not liking the fires at all. Then I broke out 450 of breast stroke. Breast stroke was strong. It’s always strong. I maintained a good pace and had fun with it.

I close out with a 50 of free and a 50 Of backstroke. Well actually I did two twenty fives of breast, back, and free to finish it off. I can’t even keep my workouts straight.

The I did my shopping big cooking day tomorrow. We got pulled pork and bbq brisket on the agenda. I choose pulled pork for dinner because it’s a versatile meat. I can make sandwiches with it, pizza, carnitas, or just eat it like a roast. I like an all purpose meat.  It is like a switch blade

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