It was August 27, 2018 and I was sitting in my waiting area of my doctors appointment, it was the second of the two appointments I binge on every Monday. I looked down and their was this Calendar and it was this action plan for good mood, or lowering stress, or happiness or something. It wasn't their the week before, at least I don't recall seeing it, but here it was. An action plan. I am a man who likes actions plans. So, I picked it up. The action plan was for the month of August, which would be over in less than a week. So, I put it back down and thought well that is dumb, why would they put that out after the month was done, when you can't do anything about it.
The first two Mondays of September I went in and looked at the calendars sitting there and saw they were still August. I was like whom ever is doing this is really missing the mark. We are two weeks into September and how can you work an action plan when the month is over? Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb. When I got there this week the action plans had changed and September had arrived. It was called "Self-Care September Calendar" and I sat there and thought Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb. We are three weeks in now. How, can you start a plan for a month 17 days.
When the person I was meeting came out to get me, I decided I was going to take the calendar back with me and give her the business about the late calendars. That was my plan. Not really because I was looking for an action plan (although I was) but more because I am an ass and it is what I do.
She noticed that I brought the Calendar in and asked me what I thought about it. I said it was Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb. She told me to read that days saying on the Calendar. I did, it was "Notice Things you do well today, however small". She asked me what I had done well today. At the time of writing I can't remember what I said, there were a couple of small things I had done, that I was proud of. However, I couldn't get over how dumb it was that the calendars were put out late. She told this could be a new challenge for me that I could start something in the middle of the month and see if I could be successful with it. I considered it and was like we will see where it goes.
Six days later and i am really digging the little calendar and the little mantras or sayings it gives me. It is sort of fund having an action plan. The best was the one I read yesterday after I read an amazing article on the obesity wars, you can find it on my facebook page, it was perfect for that article "You Matter. Remember that you are enough, just as you are." It is easy to forget that, but I am not ready for that journaling yet but the day of reckoning is coming and soon.
The website I have yet to really check out the calendar comes from, so at this time I won't promote it because for all I know I could disagree with everything they say but the September Calendar, we will investigate it more and I might give it my support, I am just not sure yet.
What I do know is that today's lesson or thing to do was "Get Active outside and give you mind an body a natural boost" and that was all I needed to hear. Active = good. Outside = gooder.
So, i went for a swim. I got everything ready, I grabbed my swim bag and then I set it down and went over and grabbed my apple watch. Got it on and headed off to the pool. I was going to do a 900 yard swim: 300 free, 300 back, and 300 breast. I got to the gym and I was ready to go. I got a good parking spot. I got out and walked to the trunk and I put the trunk up and I saw my bag of cloths to change into, but my swim bag, was not there. I checked the back seat. I checked the front seat. Nope, no swim bag. My swim bag, has my ipod. My goggles. My workouts. Pretty much all gear needed to swim.
The initial response was to pack it up and go home. How many times have I done it, or you done it, packed up from the gym b/c you forgot your ipod. Come on we all have done it. However, i remembered that I can always walk in the water and I enjoy it. I don't need music. I don't need my aqua socks, i don't need my weights. I can just do it with my feet, and my swim suit. That is the best thing about walking, you don't need a lot to do. So, into the water I got and walk i did. I did my half mile in 28 minutes. Getting faster all the time.
Then I came home and i did what I do most weekends, i spent a lot of time out back with Miss Kona. Letting her run around. Stalk the neighbors, no, I am serious she watches them through the fence. She is a bit of a creeper. So, i got outside, I got active and I rested the body and I am pretty sure I got a got a good boost.
It was a great Saturday. =)
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