Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dog Fight

I sit here now and realize just how much I have been neglecting Shiner since she has been staying with me.  I know on Saturday I put more time into the Zombie Apocalypse than I did into here.   I also spent more time fighting a fire with her than I did walking her.  Sure I have had her chasing the ball around the house like crazy and also tug-O-war!  But sometimes dogs just need more love than that.  The situation finally came to a head last night and it was all over a bowl of Chili no less...

I got home last night and like every night I get home when Shiner is over I am greeted at the door with love and excitement.  Seriously, you can't help but feel loved and happy when someone is literally jumping for joy when you walk in.  That is what Shiner does when I get home.  She jumps up on me, like I had been gone for months.  She hops, no shit, she does hop! She runs in circles.  I talk to her in baby talk.  So, everything seemed normal.

Then I put my chili in the microwave and let is nuke while I went changed clothes started some laundry, did my business, etc... etc....

Then I come out get my chili out of the microwave and I cheese it up, I add my little oyster crackers.  And take it the table.  Then, I go and fill Shiner's water bowl up with water and gave her the kibble. Then I went back and sat down in front of my bowl of chili. 

I make some good chili several people who read this could testify, Billy b makes good Chili!  However, it is not worth fighting over.  So, I was surprised when Shiner followed me over tot he table as I sat down and put two paws up on the table and when I sat down we were eye to eye.  I had never see her do this before.

That is when shit got really weird.  "I am not gonna eat your stinking kibble!" She says.  "You come over every night and have these fancy good smelling meals and and I get kibble?  Really?"

Then she bent over my bowl planted her face in my chili and started eating it.

At this time I was not sure what I was more surprised by the dog talking or eating my chili?  WTF?

I told her NO, I said No Shiner, bad dog and I pulled the bowl of Chili away from her.  That was a mistake.  Because instead of her sitting down, pulling her ears down, and getting as close to the floor as possible like she normally does when she is acting bad and I call her on it, she clocked me in my eye! No shit! Hit me right in the eye and I saw stars!  I hadn't been hit like that since brother fights back in TH! 

I held my eye for a minute and I felt a warm trickle and I whipped and it was blood.  He paw had sliced into my eye lid.  She picture above. 

It was at this point, I was not sure what came over me.  It could have been the experience I have had fighting animals in the past, Buffalo's, the Goose, and a spider.  I can't really say, but instinct took over and I hit her back.  Then I came over the couch and....

That story is really going no where.  I tried, but it is not.  I can't even pretend that I would beat on and drop atomic elbows on puppy.  I mean who doesn't love this face?

So how did my eye get like this?

this is what happened.  Shiner and I were in bed.  She was rolled up in my left armpit with her back to me.  She was playing with Snakie, which is her really long snake toy.  She had previously handed it to me to, b/c we normally tug-O-war with it.  Or, I will yank it form her and then she will sit and wait for me to throw it and go fetch it.  That is what normally happens.  Last night when I grabbed it though.  She didn't let go of it.  She held on for dear life and as I pulled it she turned with the pull and her momentum brought her left paw right in my left eye.

It hurt like a son of a bitch.  I have not been punched in the eye in a long time. A really long time, but there it was.   I was hit in the eye.  I did see stars.  Shiner was running around trying to keep playing until she realized I was laying there holding my eye.  At first I was thinking no big deal right.  Maybe a black eye comes out of this, maybe not.  That is when I felt a little liquid and I thought omg, I got cut!

I went to the bathroom and I saw what you saw.  Except to me it look super deep and I was like seriously am I gonna have to call 911 again!  FUCK ME!  I mean really!  However, I was surprised about how little blood was coming out.  I mean with all the BP meds I take, when I get cut, I bleed like a fucking sieve.  I have slight cut my finger and saw no blood, only to find out the next morning from my roommate that I left a trail of blood reminiscent of a Tarantino movie.   No blood last night though.

So I do what I always do in these situations I texted Rachel and David and got there thoughts on it.  Both were like WTF happened.  I told them.    Rachel was very concerned about Puppy's well being.  Shiner is very hard on herself if she accidentally hurts you, she was fine, she kept playing with Snakey.  Which was good, it was an accident and she shouldn't feel bad about it.  Although I was a little creep-ed out that while I was getting out of bed and she started to lick the finger with the blood on it.  She will really eat anything.  So now am I not only worried about ZA but also a vampire dog!  What!

Anywho...  David texted and asked me if I washed it out, which, I think Rachel asked me too, but I am to lazy to look right now... and I was like shit I should do that.  Now... as you know from the flour incident, I am not the sharpest too in the shed.  However instead of mixing up Flour and Baking Soda this time, i mixed up hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. 

Ya, I am that... I have these alcohol filled pads for my shots and I thought it would be a great idea to open them up and apply to cut above my eye. 


OMG the cleaning with the sterile pad was much worse than the cut itself.

So, when I was done with that, I was like maybe it was supposed to be hydrogen peroxide, so I said fuck it and put some of that on a piece of tissue and applied it again and held it there.  I felt nothing.  I think the rubbing alcohol made me immune to any and all pain. 

Anyway... after the cleaning... I went to bed.  and work up like this

My eye looks a little black in person. I know this b/c Sue asked me if I had a black eye, to which I of course replied, no, I have to brown eyes...  ha ha ha that was rich!!!!

So, i have survived my 2nd trauma of the week without needing to call 911!  Best of all Shiner and I are still BFF's!

Old Picture but still a good one....

Shiner was a good girl on her walk today!  Although she was very sad I had to go to work.  She actually ran into the garage this morning and sat by the car.  she didn't want me to go.  Instead of running in when I called for her she ran to the other side hoping she could get in that way.  It made me so sad.  I hate to have to leave her each day.  But i had to get her to come back in... and then she just looked so so sad about it.  However, tonight when I get home she is gonna go crazy again and happiness will ensue! 

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