Monday, October 29, 2018

Let the Black Reaper Rise / Start the week by visualizing your hopes for the future

(the picture is of me and my sister when I was at an acceptable weight where I could do everything I wanted to do and I will get back there, just have to find my way back....  today's visualization is a step in the right direction)

It's been a long time since the Black Reaper has Risen, those true fans know where we are going!

Visualizing your hopes for the future:

Light is creeping into the otherwise black room.  He can see it, he hates the light, because he knows it is time to roll out of bed and get the day started.  Sleep is good, and although he has had over 8 hours already, he wants more.   His body screams for him not to move, not to roll over, just close your eyes and rest, you have earned it.  Nine miles on your feet yesterday, yes you have earned it indeed.  He listens for a moment.  Then he shakes it off nine miles is not the goal, it is only part of the building the foundation to where he wants to go. 

He starts to move and feels the warm slumbering presence next to him.  He rolls over to it, and pulls the hair away from her cheek and plants a small kiss there.  Then he whispers in her ear he is going and he’ll be back for a late breakfast.  There is a mumble, it is incoherent and he would expect no less at this early hour. 

He rolls the other way now and puts his feet down on the through rug.  He thinks it is debatable if it is really that much better than putting his feet down on the linoleum.  It was her idea, not his, but hey she wanted to make the place look less like a lifetime bachelor pad, and this was one of those compromises.  The through rugs were easy concessions to make, as long as she didn’t try to take down his Samurai female warrior all would be good, that print was awesome and he would fight for that one. 

As he stood he noticed a stir to his left, and he turned and held his hand up, letting Kona know that it was not time to get up.  She kept standing anyway and he snapped his fingers and pointed down and she lay back down.  It had taken years to get that to work on her but years he put in with her and it seemed to pay off.  He then turned to his left a little more and looked at Loki curled into a ball on the next pillow over, never need to worry about that boy getting up early, he like to sleep like his Dad.  He loved his dogs, they were his babies. 

He turned now to his right and caught a glimpse of his almost naked body in the mirror.  He smiled.  He was no Adonis but he was no longer 500 pounds either and his body felt like it was in a good place.  A nice weight where it needed to be, he knew he would never be 170 or 180 pounds.  He also knew he didn’t need to be.  Not to do what he wanted to do. Not to go where he wanted to go.  All he needed was to accept who he was and push his body and its limits as far as they could go and he was. He still had a belly, and he still had a double chin but he none of that mattered. 

He traded his boxer briefs for his padded shorts.  Looking out the bathroom window gaging where the sun was already he pulled out a neon shirt and pulled it on.  It was too dark outside for black, his preferred color.  He turned and headed for the door.  Again, Kona tried to get up.  Her tail was whipping back and forth now with ever increasing intensity.  She looked up at him, but he shook his head and held his hand up again in a stay gesture.  He opened the door and closed it behind him.  He walked down the hallway to what had been his office and got into the closet and pulled out a pair of shorts.  They were yellow and covered with black dots, not his favorite but they were safe.  Hell for all he knew these could be her socks but he really didn’t care.  They would make him stand out and that is what is important. 

He sat on the couch and put on his shoes where he tied them and then pulled the Velcro strap tight across the top.  He then reached to the table and pulled on his gloves one at a time and closed the Velcro to tighten them.  He stood up and walked to the garage and opened the door.  He walked past the cars and opened the cabinet and pulled his helmet out, but it on and strapped it under his chin.  Then he turned and pulled his bike down from the hanger on the ceiling. 

He mounted his bike and said to himself 25 miles, I got this.  It was only part total mileage he would need before race day, but he would get there.  He clipped into his pedal and pushed off, and started his ride.  

I visualized several things in this little story, did you catch them all?

1. getting a good nights rest
2. Waking up next to a person I love
3. Having a well trained dog, which I feel like I am on the way to doing.
4.  Having a 2nd Black Lab named Loki
5. Being at the right size and weight for my body
6.  Being able to walk long distances again.
7. Being able to ride my bike again

All very realistic and good goals that I have and thru happiness, working with good people, make like style changes and believing in myself I am going to get there....

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