Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Ok, where I was a little hesitant before to endorse it: rocks! I really really like it!  I have gotten some great reads from there. Even if one of them is a bit depressing at first. 

Ten Keys to Happier Living is awesome!!!  It is a great way to learn and do happiness!

G = Giving
R = Relating
E = Exercising
A = Awareness
T = Trying Out

D = Direction
R = Resilience
E = Emotions
A = Acceptance
M = Meaning

Giving = I want to give and help others, I have always wanted to do that.  My biggest dream in life is to help other people to learn to become happy with who they are, just as they are.  

Relating = As much as I don't want to admit it, I am a people person.  I need people and I like people.  Yes I need my alone time, but I also feel like people are drawn to me and I have a good connection with them. 

Exercising = Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim... walk, swim... love my exercise

Awareness = I am trying to live my life as mindfully as I can.  I am trying to see why I do thing, why I feel things, what it is and why I do it.  I am trying to open my mind.  

Trying out = I am always wanting to learn more and more and do new things.  I love to learn and I am going to keep doing it. 

Direction = Having a goal and something to look forward too gives life meaning, all our lives need to have meaning or what is the point of living.  

Resilience = Me Billy b by definition is resilience.  I always get up off the mat and try and try and try again

Emotions = Focus on the good in each situation, find the good

Acceptance = This is a hard one for me... but you have to accept who you are and what you are.  I am learning to accept myself.

Meaning = They say this is to be part of something bigger... I want to be part of something bigger.. I want to be part of the happiness movement.  I want to be a happiness advocate and warrior!  

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