Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Matters of the GUT: 1

Endocrinologist:  Endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who diagnose diseases related to the glands. The diseases they are trained to treat often affect other parts of the body beyond glands. While primary care doctors know a lot about the human body, for diseases and conditions directly related to glands they will usually send a patient to an endocrinologist.  Some of the more common conditions treated by endocrinologists include:

  • Menopause - Not an issue for me.
  • Diabetes - It is a ship on the horizon. 
  • Metabolic disorders - not sure.
  • Lack of growth - not an issue.
  • Osteoporosis - not an issue.
  • Thyroid diseases - not an issue.
  • Cancers of the endocrine glands - not an issue.
  • Over- or under-production of hormones - low T-levels
  • Cholesterol disorders - i have good cholesterol
  • Hypertension - guilty
    I went and saw my endocrinologist today.  I had never seen one before.  I had no idea what they did.  I only went because a doctor I trust very much (My Dad) and my primary told me I should go and get my stuff taken care of.  I am not even 40 yet and I should have low t-levels, but I do.  It is embarrassing to write that, but you know what, it is what it is. I don't feel any differently, it still works, I am just producing testosterone at a really low level.  My primary subscribed me some testosterone supplement but my levels wend down further.  So he sent me to this other Doctor.  
     I had no idea what to expect form this guy today.  They took my weight.  It was higher than I wanted.  Then again in tennis shoes which I think are actually a few pounds so that was ok.  Then the chick took my height.  Guess what, I had grown two inches. She said I was 6'1.  I was like fucking sweet.  Then I was like ahhh my shoes, so we did it again and I was about 6 foot, so hence forth bill burkle 6 foot bitches!  I always sold myself a little short, b/c i said I was 5'11.  Get it.. ha ha.
    When i finally met with the doctor I was blown away.  He was awesome.  He might be one of the most positive people i have ever met.  He talked about how he was going to get me on the right path.  How my low t-levels were directly related to my weight.  B/c i am big I have too produce more and more insulin and that creates an issue in creating t-levels.  He said first thing we do is quit the androgel.  Done!  I didn't like the way it made me feel anyway.   
    then he talked to me about my weight.  Look, Mamma didn't raise no dumby.  I know there was going to be a discussion about this.  I am the elephant sitting in the room after all.  I jest, but seriously I knew it was going to come up.  It always does.  I expected to be admonished.  Talked down too.  Even maybe a little bit humiliated.  However, it was not like that at all.  I told him about g-bypass and how I needed to loose 50 lbs and about how I had concerns about it.  He said he did too, especially if i am having issues with binge eating.  If I don't fix that, then aren't I really going to find another way to destroy myself.  I won't go into all the Freudian thoughts and symbolism of how eating and binding like I do and adding weight is just the worlds slowest and dumbest,  but maybe other than smoking cigarettes, effective way of  committing Harry Carry.  All I am really trying to say is if that part doesn't get fixed the mind will find another way to keep doing the job.  Booze, Cigarettes, Sweet Lady H, you get the picture.  the mind needs to be fixed.  then he said something that I damn near fell out of my chair.  He said, we are going to do!  I am going to help you and be your biggest cheerleader.  He said I am also the diabetic doctor and I don't want to treat you for that.  So, we are going to do this.   
    He was like you are 6'1 you should eat... I stopped him and said doc until today I was always 5'11 and he was like we will stick with 6 foot and I am like 6 foot bitches. he basically said we were going to manager calories.  He also ask if I would be open to taking a weight loss medication.  I said well, why not.  Look, I am at the point where something isn't working.  Something in the mind keeps going for the binge.  I am doing 80% good but the 10% bad is really bad and that 20% bad is stopping from loosing.  Looking I have kept 30 lbs off for almost a year, that is great.  The other twenty bounce on and off, on and off.  This guy got that.  We talked of it.  He said, don't deprive yourself of anything, just do less of it.  Get a partner in crime and do less of it, split it.  Make everything smaller.  
    He said look at me.  I am small.  He is tiny.  I wear a small clothes.  He said you know what I get when I go to the store?  I get a small.  When I go to the starbucks, I get a small. I eat ice cream, I eat a scope.  It registered in me.  I don't eat a scope.  I eat the whole fucking thing.  i get a large everything.  
    Anyway the mindset was so different from any doctor I have seen, that I was daring to believe in him.  I wanted to believe in him.  His charisma was intoxicating.  I can't do it justice here.  I just can't.  so when he asked me again about taking a medicine for my weight issue, i said yes without hesitation.  I think he could have given me anything at that point and I would have done it.  I just really appreciated his style and his caring.  His willingness to want to help me.  His want as bad as my to keep the Type II diabetes away. 
    However as much as I wanted to believe in him, I was also scared a little bit.  Because isn't necessarily a supporter of the paleo arts or the whole food agenda.  I am not saying he is against them.  He is just all about portion control, calories, and change in mind set.  
    I love paleo. I love cooking.  I love trying to live the clean sugar free life.  I love working with Chrissy at Reset, she is awesome!  So, my mind was splitting as he kept talking. I was in engaged by his charisma but also, feeling like a traitor.  Plus does taking a medicine to help induce weight loss make me a cheater?  Does it really matter? 
    Anyway, he gave me the medicine, but I almost shit myself when he told me it was applied via injection to the stomach.  did this man not understand that I didn't play that shit.  Needles were my enemy and we hates them. I would rather make out with a spider and let them run up and down my back then I would want a needle near me.   However, maybe this is the aha moment.  Maybe this is the time and the place to stop floundering and thinking my way will work.  So, I learned how to use the applicator and I injected myself with it without really thinking.  Because maybe this is my last option.  My last road.  
    Then I came home and spent most of the day in reflection.  Thinking what is it bill you want to do and how do you want to do it.  I want to avoid Type II.  I want to get better and maybe the doctor and Reset can both be on my team.  I can still eat on a calorie limit and eat real food.  I can still learn and grow.   Btw the name of the med is above and is pictured.  Also put an article in about it.  We will see how it goes.  How it works. 
    So a new door opened today.  One that I am going to walk through.  The calorie restrictions are tight but that medication is suppose to help with that.  So, I am excited about that.  
    The one thing the doctor did say that has me still pondering is, he advised against the half marathon.  He said at my size the pounding on my knees weren't worth it.  That if I kept going up in mileage I might find myself needing replacements.  He was not anti walking, or swimming, he just said that might be a bit to much.  And that is hard for me to wrap my mind around.  I ask myself if I have gone in with this guy and actually started sticking a needle into my tummy then perhaps I should listen about this too.  I don't know.  Not sure what to do about this one.   
    So I still have a lot of pondering to do.  
    No matter what September 3rd is a big day in my life it another new beginning!  That is the great thing about life, every day is a new beginning.  Time to get busy!  Time to move the ship forward.  Time to be the man who I was born to be....
    And the Tower is Closer!!!!

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