Monday, September 14, 2015

The Buddy System turns 2 years old!

Somethings pass by quietly and you don’t give them a 2nd thought.  Others pass and your mind is stuck on it, thinking always thinking about, it every thought bent on it, yet you have nothing to say about it.  That is how the Buddy Systems 2nd birthday came and went.  I kept hoping that last Friday (Buddy Systems 2n Bday) I would have that aha moment in which I would have a very good entry to make.  The inspiration never came, to many other things going on distracting me.  

I am going into my third week on the Saxenda but there really is not story there.  Not yet, down four pounds but they are four pounds that we had lost before.  I also don’t think it makes much of a story to tell you about my newest morning ritual of getting up and stabbing a needle into my belly each morning.  That is well the start and the end of that story.  Does it partially amaze me that a man who is terrified of needles, now injections himself once a day? Sure it does.  
What else is there?  I could show you more and more stuff I am smoking.   Burgers, meat-loafs, turkey boobs, you name it I have smoked it or planning on smoking it.  However, that wasn’t really inspirational.

I can tell you that I have tried to eat an 1800 calorie a day diet for the last two weeks, but have failed miserably.  Some of that is stress, stress over things I can’t control.  Others is, see paragraph above, I have been smoking a lot of food.  The more I smoke the more good food I have.  However, I realize more than anything I am eating on an emotional level.  

There are all these things I could have said, but none of them seemed appropriate for the celebration of the Buddy System turning 2.  What I am writing here is a poor example of what this Blog has become to me and the importance it has in my life.  

For two years I have spun my tale.  For two years I have worked really hard to change my life.  I think we have done some really great things in that time.  Maybe we still have a long way to go, but sometimes getting up and getting going is the hardest part.  

Then again maybe the entire point of this blog is that things don’t have to be perfect.  Maybe it is ok not to have the right words all the time.  Maybe it is enough to know you are still going in the right direction that you are working very hard to change your life.  So maybe that is the point.  Maybe the point is we are a grinder and two years in we are still moving forward.  We have kept 30 pounds off for a year.  Each day we get a little bit better.

So Happy Birthday Buddy System, this year will be our best year ever!!

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