Tuesday, September 8, 2015

100 Days!


I have literally been waiting 32 years for the movie that is coming out in 100 days. I remember the day I saw Return of the Jedi in theaters.  I remember sitting there fighting back tears hoping, praying, wishing, that Luke wouldn't go dark side.  Hell, I think I did actually cry at some point. 

Star Wars and I will always be forever intertwined with each other.  My first memories of life are the original Star Wars commercials on TV.  There were my early years in which I hated the name Billy b (i hear shocked gasps from readers every where) and wanted my name changed to Luke.  Anyone with the name Luke should have there ass kicked repeatedly I think now. Maybe it is because the one person I know named Luke is a douche?  Some say "Si", some Say "No". 

There is also the 13 times my younger brother and I saw Return of the Jedi in theaters.  Yes, 13 times.  Yes we were spoiled, but we also had a baby sitter who lived around the corner from a 1 dollar theater and this was 83 and it was summer and well there you go 13 times. 

And there was the playing of Return of the Jedi every day that summer.  Seeing the movie 13 times me and Ding had it memorized and we would replay it over and over and over again.  Those were good times. 

There is non-stop collecting of Star Wars items over the years.  I still have toys in my room to this day.  Stop it, not those kid of toys.  I have Darth, Maul and Vader bobble heads.  I have Yoda.  I have a build a bear my nieces got me Jedi style. The list goes on and on and on.... For the toys and for the star wars being a corner stone of my life. 

Sure there were the dark times.  The Prequels that could have destroyed the franchise.  You know the movies that Lucas contradicted himself over and over and thought he could justify a really bad decision by a brat. You know hey we don't have a story so lets just use a tone of effects, our fans are loyal they will keep coming back. We did, hoping to get a little peace of the magic from our childhoods.  The light saber fights in the prequels were awesome!  Obi-wan de-limbing Anakan was awesome!  The Emperor being the Emperor and knocking Yoda on his ass via force lightening, ya, awesome.  Even Darth Maul for his limited part was pretty cool if not under used.  However, the story was crap.  The acting was bad.  And how Obi-wan can't remember who R2 is is dumb.  Had the entire prequel series been like the first 20 minutes or so of Sith, we might be talking about some legendary stuff, but Lucas lost his way. 

Then there was the Black Friday teaser that came out last year.  I watched it probably 10 times that day, and 30 over that weekend. 

I will never forget when Gabe forwarded me the release of the 2nd trailer.  I came back to the office closed myself in a conference room and watched it over and over again.  I literally was bouncing in my chair like a child who could barely contain excitement.  Oh, I should say I was a child who couldn't contain excitement. 

So now here we are 100 days away from the release of The Force Awakens.  Being done by the man who made me a Star Trek fan, I will be honest, i hated that shit before JJ took it on.  Everything of his I have watched, I have liked.  Now, that isn't to say I have seen it all, b/c I have not.  However, I have high hopes.  1.  You have a light saber wielding masked villain who looks pretty cool.  2.  You have new characters and themes that hopefully finally take us away from Anakan and his fall from grace.  I think that dead horse has been beat enough.  3.  You have an entire galaxy as a canvas.  We are in UN-chattered territories.  So we have freedom to create new and awesome adventures.  

I am trying to stay away from spoilers and fan sites.  I have a plane ticket home to watch the movie with my little brother (Ding you better not fuck me like you did with Phantom Menace).  I am sure Logue will join us.  Maybe Burger will want to come too, haven't asked yet.  So really for me, there are 102 days until I see it now that I have thought about it.  hmmm... oh well... close enough for gov't work as they say. 

100 (or 102 if you are anal) and counting until Star Wars hits the big screen!!!!

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