It is Saturday Night and I am alone again talking about my meat! Seems to be a recurring theme for a Saturday night! Much to my dismay that is.
So, this weekend is a big weekend in cooking and I spent most of the day either rubbing my meat, shopping, dicing, or cooking.
Meat 2: Below. Is a 3 pound pork butt perfect for pulling. I am going to slow cook this thing tomorrow in the crockpot for 8 hours in a little Tessamae Paleo bbq sauce. It is going to create us some really nice Pulled Pork! Oh we will get to my number one meat in a bit!
Meat 3: The meat below is a 6 lbs beef brisket. It is covered yellow mustard and some caveman rub that I mixed up in the kitchen myself. I didn't follow the recipe to the T, I improvised and added some of my own favs and a little bit of Cinnamon, what can I say I like it on my meats.
I told you last week about how much I hated rubbing my meat in plastic. Show me a man who doesn't. So, I had to call in a wrapping specialist. El Beav came over and helped me wrap our seasoned meats up.
You can see how the brisket 2 dwarves the pig. That is just a good show. We have some serious smoking ahead of us tomorrow. That brisket is going to smoke for 12 to 14 hours. Depending on if we engage the texas cheat. We probably will but only after we work up a nice thick crush with out mop sauce.
It is not secret that I am not good about eating my veggies. So, I am trying to come up with new ways to get them in. Last weeks BLT quiche was really a great idea. not only did it taste amazing but it also had loads of tomato and spinach in it.
So this week I went back to the quiche but not just for breakfast. I actually decided to try my hand at a little broccoli quiche hoping it would remind me of my dear mom's broccoli casserole which has long been a favorite of mine for thanksgiving and Xmas.
So I gathered up some ingredients. Broccoli of course. Pepper. A little salt. Some garlic. Some eggs. And some Cashew Cheese. I ended up not using the cheese pictured, instead I went with a little habanero lime number, I hope it kicks as much ass as I expect it too.
I am not a lover of big chunks of broccoli. So I fucking pulverized it in my food processor.
Take that broccoli.
Got the eggs in the mix, with the paper, garlic, and salt.
then we added the cheese.
then we mixed.
and mixed
added broccoli.
and prepared the baking.
all poured in.
Now lets repeat that process but for the BLT quiche again, but we are going to double the recipe, so that Pesky El Beav doesn't try to steal it. No, we are just doubling so we can have some spinach with every meal or at least a few more. Have to get those veggies however I can and I just hate them .
So we start with a little time action
Dice up some peppers.
Cook up some spinach.
And kept cooking it.
Got the 16 eggs ready for action.
Added a little bacon.
MMMMM Broccoli Quiche! Looking good.
BLTquiche ready to rock. i over filled my new quiche pan. It actually already has the quiche pieces mapped out.
Then filled the other pie pan.
Bake it!
Yum yum!!!!
By the way, did I tell you this entire time, that I was smoking a 3 lb brisket. That is right. Meat 1 a 3 lbs affair.
Looks good right. Yes it does, so I shredded the hell out of it!
Then i diced the hell out of it.
Why would I treat such a beautiful peace of meat like that. Tune in tomorrow and I might tell you =)
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