The question that has to be asked is a simple one. Did the man in the photo above finally loose
his fucking shit and go insane and start shooting large amounts of heroin? Or he is going to attempt to inject meat for
the first time with a meat injector that he had to stop at four places before
he actually found it? I am going to
cation on the side of this is a man who takes his meat very seriously and when
the recipe called for injecting honey butter into the brisket he was not afraid
to rise to the challenge. However, it does make for a pretty scary fucking picture or a pretty funny one depending on your point of view.
We start with a 5 lbs beef brisket....
We cover that shit with yellow mustard.
We then take our favorite meat rub. Ya, I could have a field day with meat rubbing comments, but I don't have time for them right this second.
I think fill my meat injector with the honey butter, well ok, I didn't use honey. I am trying to stay off the sugar as much as I can. So, I decided i would inject the meat with real grass fed butter, plus apple juice. The recipe called for basting with apply juice regularly, so I figure why not just fully inject that shit in.
The thing about a meat injector is there are no instructions. So, I pulled the little pusher down thingy you find on syringe, pulled my marinade in and then tried to push the stopper thingy back in and that is when my butter apple juice mix exploded all over my face and shirt. I didn't did get a picture of that because I was covered with butter juice. However, I can tell you that my glasses were splattered and today sitting here recounting this I can still smell butter. It is like I am wearing o'day movie popcorn cologne or something.
Anyway, back to my meat...
As you can see I injected butter directly into the brisket. The meant wouldn't hold the entire marinade, but I got in as much as I could. Now they say in order to smoke a proper brisket you need 10 to 16 hours. I started this process yesterday morning at like 12 or so, so I was not going to have time to do a full smoking the way I wanted to. So, I used what the BBQ Pit Masters Call the Texas Cheat
I have no idea why those people call this the Texas cheat. I really don't, but you basically employ a Texas Cheat by wrapping your meat in Tin Foil. I would much prefer to wrap my me.... ok ok I am not going to get side tracked here with that talk...
Then you get the smoker ready to go... and then you wait... you cook your chili. you cook you sweet tator mash. you make your mayo. you sliced your lettuce and tomato. you make your breakfast (non-oat oatmeal). you walk the dog. you do laundry and then you wait some more.
7 hours later you have a smoked brisket texas cheat style and it is the moistest thing you have ever put in your mouth. My god... this thing was, well it was awesome!
It didn't develop the crunchy exterior i wanted but i think that was because the texas cheat just kept it to moist.
It fell apart as I sliced. I mean I have never had such an easy time cutting a hunk of meat.
Half way through it just started to fall apart.
See it would have made a mean shredded brisket sandwich.
Yes, I used my charbriol grill as a cutting table. So what of it. It has to be used for something now that I have the Smoker!
Shiner watching El Beav eat some Brisket, she got nothing but kibble.
so that is how I spent one of the hottest sunday's I can remember. at least there was good meat at the end of the day =)
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