Friday, April 3, 2015

The Decesion to Cleanse..

The decision to cleanse came quickly.  It had been another day that started off with hopeful promises of finding the peace that I had before I left for the islands.  However, high hopes were quickly dashed when I ran out of the house without my breakfast or lunch.  Though, I made the healthiest breakfast sandwich choice one could make on the way to work, it was not paleo and it was not a good choice.  Things only got worse when they brought pizza into the office.  I could feel my belly starting to swell as I gorged myself with three slices.  It was at the moment, I new I needed something drastic to get this train back on the track to chase down my goals and dreams.  I recently made a huge life decision on the basis I was doing it for my long term health, however, since making that decision I had done anything but be healthy.  Perhaps it was the stress of a major life decision . Perhaps it was just another excuse in a long, long, line of excuses for me to be bad.  To turn back to my true nature and binge like there was no tomorrow.  Perhaps it was the job, and the none stop pressure to hit out targets.  I don't really know, maybe it was a combination of all the all.  Or, or... some times and addict is just an addict.  Sometimes the comfort of being said is just so great, that you tend to revel in it.  So, you are paging through the net as your new hire runs to the ladies room and your eye catches an article about jump starting your diet with a 3 day juice cleanse and before you open the link, that you are going to do it.  Because you have to do it.  You made a choice, now don't fuck it up.  You choose to live, you choose a simpler life and for the first time in your life you put yourself above all else.  There is so much going on, that I some times don't know how to deal with it.  However, I did make a decision.  It was one of the most difficult I have made.  I have to move forward.  I can't wonder what might have been. I can wonder how some things might have turned out differently.  I just have to accept that things are the way they are.  That I am where I am.  I have to refocus on the dream.  The hope, and everything else.  I have been working so hard to get to.  So,  I reset.  I purge my body of and I do a three day juice diet to right the ship.  To detox from my old nemesis sugar and say good buy to him for good.  There is no place for that poison in my life.  This is my life and I can't go back to the old ways. I can't go back to being so fat, I didn't want to get up or get off the couch.  I have to accept things are what they are.  I can't change them, I knew the game going in.  I have to remember this is my time.  This is my life.  So, I choose to cleanse.   I choose to be the best version of myself I can be.  I chose life and I still choose life.  This detox will wake me back up.  It will help purge all my sins of the last few weeks.  It will also help me free my mind and refocus it.  I can't change what I cant change.  I can only take care of me, and push myself forward.  This is my life.

So, we make a shopping list, and we head out into the San Jose night and head to Trader Joe's.  We fill our cart with fruit and veggies...

65 bucks for a grocery cart full of veggies from TJ's, you can't beat that place.  It is fucking awesome.

And we start to make juice. 

and we make two juices, the morning juice and the mid morning juice. 

I just love this picture.   ha ha ha

and let there be juice!!!!
And so there is juice.  I will make the rest of the juices soon as the cleaning people leave this a.m.  Which I hope is soon, b/c I have to piss like a race horse. 
Here is to getting back on the path.  Here is to making out dreams come true! 

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