Monday, April 6, 2015

Aw, honey, you baked.

The urge took me yesterday afternoon around 3 o'clock that I need to keep pushing the limits of my cooking.  If I have decided that my diet was good and right, and I have to cut back the bullshit.  I had to continue to get creative and keep pushing myself.  Plus, sometimes I just want to eat something sweet. 
So, I went to work.  First, I got out my blueberries.  They were frozen, so I had to thaw them out.   

Then I tried to blend the batter.  However, it came out a little thick!


I misread the directions.  Because I thought it was 1 cup of flour, but the recipe said only use a full cup if you are using low quality coconut flower.  I had no idea, if I was using low quality or not.  I was stuck and not sure what do to, I mean this was the first time I had ever tried to bake anything on my own.  so, what to do.  so, I decided I doubled the coconut flour, then why not double the eggs too.  And you know what I worked.  The batter turned out pretty darn good. 

I greased up my muffin tin, well actually, I think it is Rachel's tin, but either way I greased it up with coconut oil. 

And then, 35 minutes later, I had muffins!!!!!

They looked good and tasted ok as well.  I think I should have doubled all the ingredients not just the eggs and flour.  But still, they we pretty good for my first time out!

Dinner was fucking great!  Go Rib-eye and my new BFF asparagus. 

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