Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day2: I remember why I don't Juice!

I fucking hate JUICE!!!!  Really, I had forgotten how much I dislike the taste.  There is an after taste.  I can't take.  There is just something about it.  I can't say.   

I am now a day and a half into the juice, and I am 99.9% sure I am going to break, and at this point I don't care.  I just can't drink any more of these thing. They are brutal.  I have taken to holding my nose and choking them down. 

Day 1 started off great, I got some much needed rest. 
However, I had to get up and make the Guzphaco...

It included onion.... I was not excited about including it.

But I did anyway. 

I was not sure about this juicing thing. 

Plus it is super fucking messy. 

However, I had to drink the Guzpacho....

And It was awful.... 

 I got through half of it.. and then...

I dumped it.... 

The dinner blend was not much better.  however, I did plug my nose and get this one down.  That and straws got me through the breakfast blend this morning. 

Still not excited about it.

 However diner last night was great!  Best Dinner I had all week.  

At this, point I have learned a lot about myself and what I need to do. 

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