Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Power of I Can…

The Power of I Can…

My entire life I seem to continually depriving myself of something.  It could be fast food, it could be meat (vegan for two weeks in June’17), sugars, potatoes, pizza, pasta you know name it I have sworn it off in some way or another.  My life has been in some form or fashion all or nothing for as long as I can remember.  I am either on or I am off.  I am either up or I am down. 
I have been doing a lot of reading and soul searching.  There is no doubt that I am overweight, with some heart issues, and borderline diabetic.   I have family members pushing for gastric bypass.  I have openly started to consider this course of action.  Even going as far as telling my cardiologist I would do it if he told I should.  He said it didn’t matter how I did it, I just needed to lose weight and give my heart a break.  I have considered going into rehab facilities.  I have considered giving up sugar.  I have considered sowing my mouth shut.

As I was considering options I decided to go back to an article I had read in January of 2016 that literally changed my life.  It was a Friday morning and I was up early and I was doing what we do now in this day and age when we have free time I was scrolling through Facebook looking for something to entertain myself with or more aptly to distract myself from thinking about driving to the office.  I came across an article titled “Things I Did To Lose 160 Pounds Without Ever Dieting” by Joe Bernstein.  Being a man who needs to lose at least 160 pounds I was intrigued by it.  So I read it.  Most of the things in the article I was like I can do that.  There was one though, I said I would never do and that was “I shortened my commute”.  I just wasn’t going to happen.  I wanted to live in San Jose and I wasn’t going to change jobs.  I liked my job and I wanted to stay where I was.  It just wasn’t an option for me.  I drove the hour and fifteen minutes it took me to get to work that morning and thought little of it.  It was not until that night it became a huge issue for me.  An hour and forty five minutes it took me to get home.  I don’t know why, or how, I know I missed an appointment.  I know I hated every minute of it.  I remember now waking up that next Saturday and telling myself that I was done commuting and less than a year later I was living in Livermore.  As few short months later I also did #6 on the list which was “Get a Dog”, which is one of the better things I have ever done with my life.   

I don’t know why I went back and looked at the article but I did and when I did I found a link to the gentlemen who wrote its website.  So, I made a decision right then and there.  I was going to reach out to him and pick his brain for how did.  What he faced.  How he climbed the proverbial mountain that is weight loss.  In all my journeys in weight loss or lack thereof it, I have never actually talked to someone who has been down the path before and been successful at it.  I have emailed people here or there and gotten responses but never anyone who wanted to take me under their wing and really look at what makes me tic and what would be good for me to do or change to make myself a healthier more powerful me.  When I sit here and think about that, it is the one thing I think my Dad always said.  Find someone who has walked the path.    He said that to me probably 50 times.  Find out what they did then do it.  Funny how sometimes things are right in front of our face and we don’t realize it. 

This weekend I missed Dad.  I mean really missed him.  I do what I do every 4th of July weekend.  I watched American Pie.  Well I end up watching the original trilogy.  I just can’t get into American Reunion.  I just can’t.  I just hate the fact that every movie they hate Stiffler again, which after American Wedding makes no sense what so ever.  Anyway, probably the hero’s trial he has to go on to become accepted I guess.  They have a formula and it seems to work for them.  Anyway, as I watched I become sad because they were the last movies I remember watching with my Dad.  It was 2008 a few weeks before I started my current job.  Mom and Dad were out for a visit the weather wasn’t good so we sat down to watch a funny movie.  I put in American Pie, thinking my Dad would hate it, but Mom Carol might find it amusing.  Wow, my Dad loved it.  He laughed so hard, like I have never seen him laugh at a movie.  He demanded to watch the 2nd movie and he loved that too.  By the time American Wedding finished he was talking about Old Stiffler like he was an old high school buddy and the shenanigans he got up too.   It made me sad because I miss Dad.  It makes me smile because of what a good time we had.  I realize now I have gone off tangent, but that is ok.  It happens.

I am never nervous when I tell someone my tale.  It is more or less the story of me.  Emailing Joe was not any different.  I was open and honest.  I shared my blogs.  I shared my highs and lows.  My journey such as it was to this place, in this point and time.  Joe reached out to me fairly quickly and the next thing I knew we were holding long palaver.  We agreed to start working together and I am very excited to not be walking this path alone anymore.  It is nice to have someone to support me and help me.  While at the same time call me out on my bullshit and to help me realize that there is no best way to do this, and that I have to find and forge my way. 

He introduced me to a book that has sort of blown my mind a little bit.  It talks about the very important qualities on one’s diet that we don’t normally thinking about.    Such as relaxation, love, stress reduction, is the ones that jump out to me.  Things that when you read them you just know in your heart of hearts that it are intuitively true. 

The book also re-introduced a concept to me of eating what you want but focus on how you eat it.  Focus on the time it takes you to eat.  Study the food.  See if the food is worthy of your palate.  As you slow down you might realize just how awful some of the crap you stuff in your mouth is, because you are focused on it.  Eating slowly is nothing new to me.  I know it is supposed to help.    Although thinking about thinking about if you are in a stressed state versus an unstressed one, well that is something new to me altogether.  It was something I never really focused on.  A very interesting thing I learned is that if I eat food I like.  Say for example a Boca burger with baked fries and a salad, I am not stressed.  I am not worried if it will be enough food.  I am not worried if I will enjoy the taste.  I just sit at my table with my puppy at my feet and focus on what I am eating.  Sure my mind occasionally drifts into a problem at work, or how I need to kill my first person (meaning a character in a story).  However unlike when I am zombied out in front of the TV, I catch myself at drift and I pull it back together and reset my focus.  Let’s take this meal versus a vegan meal I ate the night before that was premade for me.  It was fully of sprouts and zucchinis.   I hate zucchini, I am not saying I will always hate them, but right now they are enemy of the state.  I can eat broccoli.  I can eat cauliflower, sprouts, and bell peppers, but zucchini doesn’t butter my bread.  So, I was up tight and anxious as I microwaved it.  I worried about the taste. I worked about the texture.  I am very into the texture of what I eat, but let’s put a pin in that and visit it at a later date.  I couldn’t enjoy the vegan meal.  I was unhappy the entire time I ate.  It was like forcing food down my throat and my gag reflex wanted to rule the day.

The above experience really talked to me about how important it is to enjoy your food.  I remember coming to work the other day and my brother Sunny d told me I am in a place that I shouldn’t enjoy my food that I just need to get my shit together and eat unenjoyable stuff.  I can vividly remember how angry it made me.  That I was just supposed to torture myself to reach my goals, when in my mind, I firmly believed there has to be a better way. 

Let’s be 100% clear here.  I no longer harbor the delusion that I can eat cheeseburgers every night with baked fries and get to the waste line I want.  I cannot have weekly binges because I feel lonely, unloved, or unwanted.  Sure the email exchanged didn’t achieve what you wanted.  The text message was not fruitful other than to remind you that you are spending the evening alone.  So on and so forth.  I do fully believe 115% that I have to change my ways.  I can’t eat sugar, premade foods, or and most pasta’s and breads.  I have to restrict my serving sizes.  I have to abstain from In and Out, Panda, and Subway.  I need a complete eating make over.   

That being said just because you get made over doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your repast.  I know better don’t I.  Haven’t I walked this path before?  To some extent yes I have.  About a year into this blog, I found a balance between eating good foods, my mind, and weight loss.  I know finding that harmony again is what will lead to my success.  Basically, what I am saying is I think I can lose weight without ever really dieting at all.  It’s more than a lifestyle change too.  It is accepting certain things and believing them.    At this point in time I don’t know what all those things are.  Also, I know for every person who believes in eating real food there are people that will tell you weight loss is all based on energy put in and energy burned.  That weight loss is about sacrifice, hitting the gym for two hours a day, or having surgery.  What truly matters is what I believe.  

I am not a fool.  I know I can’t walk down the same path again and hope it will work out differently.  Tried that in my personal life went nowhere fast, in fact I think that is how the define insanity.  There was a reason that in 2014 I was derailed.  Some say it was dealing with grief over my Dad’s illness.  Some might say it was not letting go of things that you know are bad for you but you try to make them work anyway.  Some might say you just didn’t want it bad enough.  Others will blame my job. My state of mind, depression, needing attention, etc.…, etc.… I am sure that there is some truth in all of those things.  I honestly believe I wasn’t ready.  I thought I was ready to take that giant leap forward but in the end, the time was all off.  Maybe I didn’t believe it was sustainable.  Maybe I don’t believe I don’t deserve to find my way and be happy.  I think it is all of the above to some extent.  Like a lot of things you learn in life there are no easy answers.

So what is my plan?  And what the hell do I mean by the Power of I Can.  My plan is to stand up, remember the face of my father, and walk the path.  Remember the one thing that was by my side both times I have had significant weight loss is my writing.  It is a power source all on its own.  When I let if out the demons that dance in my head I tend to stay on the path longer and stray from it less and less.  I will keep one thing in my head that Brother Bob said to me in the summer of 2014, forget about what others have done, it is time to write your own weight loss story.  That is so powerful for me.  I look at these other people and what they do.  I try to immolate that.   So I can share two pictures on Facebook the before and after shot.  However, it is time I stop being a follower and be my own leader.  Be my own man.  

That starts with something that has been growing in the back of my mind since this weekend and that is the Power of I Can.   What is this magical mystical power?  It is simple.  I can put whatever I want into my mouth.  There are no longer good “foods” and bad “foods”, there are only “foods”.  First, when I talk about food, I talk about whole real food.  Not your fast foods that are chemically altered to make you want more of them.  Not candies, cookies, and other things with lavish amounts of sugar in them.  Note I will eat chocolate again, but I will eat good chocolate not crappy stuff.  I am talking about earth grown, unprocessed delish.  

I am no longer going to feel ashamed about eating anything.  There will inevitably be a day when someone or even myself puts the In and Out double double in front of me and I will take a bit of it or I eat a Big Mac, or Taco Bell, or some BBQ Lays. Trying to say I will never eat garbage again is unrealistic.  However, with the power of I can it allows me to fuck at one meal and get back on the path at the next.  It isn’t a green light to go have Ben and Jerry’s and chips with every meal.  It is really a get out of jail free card.  It is really more of accepting that I am Billy b, I am human, and sooner or later I will be in a place where I won’t be able to have planned everything out and had a meal with me all the time.  So when that meal comes I eat it, I accept it, and I move on from it. 
What this will do for me is relieve a lot of guilt.  I spent the Fourth of July weekend eating what I wanted and not what people would call diet food.  I probably over indulged because my waist line sort of told I did and I took a little advantage of this concept, I know I did.  I can’t lie and say I didn’t.  No one needs to eat a plate full of chips with their veggie delight, no one.  No one needs to eat two cheese burgers just because they cooked two.  However, on both occasion I went to bed stressed out of my mind because I was like oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.  How am I going to lose weight so I can be healthy?  I need to better tomorrow.  While both statements are true, the overwhelming sense of guilt that they brought on was not good.  

It is this guilt and this list of things a fat man should never eat which I think sets me up for failure.  That is why I think it is so important for me to realize I can have whatever I want, whenever I want it.  I am a binge eater.  Have been for a long time and have eaten most of my calories by myself, alone, and in shame.  The foods I always ate are the ones that diets always denied me of.  It was your pizzas, ice creams, and fast foods.  All crap that actually doesn’t taste very good, but stuff I was never normal enough to eat because I was a bigger.  My life if I look back of it is one of consistent restriction. It has always been all or nothing.  I am either eating “good” or not.  This all or nothing attitude has lead me too a place where subconsciously I don’t think I can ever win.  As a human I naturally want everything I can’t have.  I spend more time thinking about the girl that got away, than the one who is right in my face.  In much the same way I spend more time thinking about the food that is going to make me so fat that I can’t bend over, than the food that will give me my life back.  I want what I can’t have. 

So why not abolish that way of thinking because I can’t tell you how many binges have started with going to McDonald’s just this one time. That one time is never one time.  It becomes tomorrow b/c I already blew it this week.  Then it becomes tomorrow and the next day because I will get back on track next week.  So on and so forth.  There has to be a reason why I am so scared I am not going to get enough food. It isn’t because I grew up in a house where food was scarce.  Well from a certain point of view.  I was blessed with parents that were always able to put plenty of food on the table.  However, even back then I ate really fast and I ate like someone was going to try and take it away from me.  So, when I go on these eating exercises it is always with the hope of catching the dragon.  It is with the hope that this will be the one last time I need it.  That I crave it or that I must have it.
I firmly believe part of the issue is the constant restricting all or nothing scenarios I put myself on.  Example, when I ate paleo all I wanted to have was fucking sandwich.  Lunches became hard because I was out of creative ways to make my food interesting and well sometimes a little meat between a couple of slices of bread is just what the doctor ordered.  So when I got that bread that I thought I needed one toe in the pool became an all-out game of Marco Polo in the blink of an eye.   
So why not adopt a new positive attitude towards these things?  Not say I can have them.  Why not say I can have them and have them whenever I want.  Then the need for them, the exotic want and lust for them will diminish.  When there is no out of bounds, then maybe just maybe you will want to stay in the place that makes you feel good.  

I don’t only need to lose weight; I need to reprogram my life.  I need to let things like happiness, fun, and excitement become center piece to my existence.  When asked recently when the last time I had fun was I couldn’t even think of an answer, because I am so screwed up in the head of what is fun and what isn’t it’s not funny.  Was it fun when I took Kona to the dog park yes, it was pleasant, but is that what I do for fun? It is sort of a question that I need to think about.

Thus the reboot is needed.  I make life so much harder than I think it needs to be.  It is easy to do when you overthink every email, text, and comment you get. So, I want to refresh.  I want to allow myself to go without limits.  I want to use the power of I can, to reprogram years of negative feelings and fears of not being able too.  I want to change my relationship with food from a negative to a positive.  

This is an amazing thought that I had over the weekend.  No one can tell me what I can or can’t do, other than me.  No one knows my body better than I do.  No one knows my needs better than I do.  So, if I want to eat five burgers one can stop me from doing it.  However, I believe if I practice smart choices, better choices, then I perhaps I won’t fantasized and dream of getting the high the five burgers would have given me to begin with.  

I am really excited to put this to trial.  I am excited about a lot of the things I have started to do.  Walk for at least 10 minutes daily even if I forget to set my apple watch each time.  I am excited that I am reading again before bed time.  That I am meditating in the a.m.  So it will be interesting to see if my experiment with the Power of I Can has any merit.  I mean I really don’t know if it does or not, what I know is that I am willing to give it a try and see where it takes me.  

Wow had a lot more to say today than I thought J Feels pretty good to write again!

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