Monday, July 17, 2017

Where did the anger go.....

I think it was the first short story I ever finished.  Ok, well let me think some more, I am not counting that letter to Penthouse, or anything I wrote in high school, so yes, I think it is fair to say it was my first.  Since then I have completed at least novelettes, non-which I choose to share on this media, they are currently being edited and the goal is to try to get them published.  However, “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts” was the first short story.  Since it is something I am very proud with over 462 views on the blog and because it is such a telling tale of what exactly goes on in my head, I felt that it was best to share with my Life Coach.  So the attached link was sent:

Sending the message broker a response “In the last three years what have you done with all that anger? It has to go somewhere.

At first I was a little dumb founded by the question.  Just where in the hell had all that anger gone?  I want to be able to sit here and say I wrote it all out.  I did a fair amount of journaling and blogging after “Fists” but probably not enough to let out all of the hate, anger, and rage that have been building up inside for so fucking long.

Then I saw the picture I lead with today and I knew where it had all gone.  The anger hadn’t been exercised away or written away it had all been internalized.  I tried to bury it deep down inside.  I tried to act like I didn’t care that I was unloved and felt unlovable or that I was rejected and pushed away.  I tried to act like nothing mattered.  That I didn’t care I’d been passed over.  That I didn’t care that I just kept fucking up my health again and was killing myself one nibble at a time.  I pushed this all way down deep into the darkest black depths of my mind that not even I like to talk about or think about.

There in that darkest of black places my anger burned like wild fire.  It raged on and on and little by little it was let out into the world.  It might have manifested in bad day where the black dread would surround me like a swaddling blanket and caress any feeling away.  I think mostly it surfaced as insecurity in my position, my decisions, and it kept me frozen in time.  The one place I do know it surly found its way out was thru my eating. 

Since I stopped blogging the fires of anger raged and I went on to put back all the weight I had once lost and like any good dieter once I put that back on, I went ahead and gained more.  Fifty pounds more was the final tally.  I took out all my anger on my vessel.  How does that make sense?  I let anger out by stuffing more in? I turned myself into a cripple with limited movement and little to no fun.  I hide behind the fact that my father was sick and traded the sadness and feelings I should have felt for late night binges on burgers, fries, pints of ice cream, and whatever else I could shovel into my mouth.  One value meal became 3 meals. No, no, I didn’t split one value meal into three meals; I got three value meals for one meal.  Eating a large pizza was nothing, I realized this when I downed an entire Matt Cain from Patxi’s by myself on a Friday night.  One pint of ice cream to sooth those sad fees became two pints, and of course we need to through in a bag of chips for good measure. 

The angry I got and the more I repressed it the more punishment I did to myself.  The more harm I did to myself.  I stopped swimming.  I stopped walking.  I did nothing but go to work, site all day, have people get water for me, pick up my meals, and then go home and sit on the couch.  In the last 6 months I have discovered door dash and that has become the hide at home binger’s best friend.  My god, you can order Cream, Baskin Robins, and Cold Stone on there, I know because I did.

Then there was the July 17, 2017 episode.  I had not had a good binge in over a month.  I thought I was finding my way.  I watched Game of Thrones.  I had a nice dinner, Steak, baked tater, salad with beets that were awesome, and corn on the cob, the tater and corn was made on my smoker.  It was a feast fitting for the season opener of GOT.  I was full.  I was content.  My buddy David left and I sat there with Kona Koffee and I turned on American Dad. 

That is when I got the itch.  I wanted something sweet.  I needed something sweet.  I battled with myself on if I should go grab something, but I didn’t want to leave the house so late.  So I went to my buddy Door Dash, but David had left late enough that the Ice Cream places were closed.  I wanted something though.  I needed something.  So I kept looking and looking, and looking.

I opened up Pizza Guys website and there it was.  They would deliver a pint of ice cream.  They would deliver Dibs (chocolate covered ice cream bites).  Also, they had churros, yes fucking churros with icing to be dipped in.  Fuck, it was a binge eater’s wet dream. 

However, I didn’t want to be that guy who only ordered a dessert from the pizza place.  No they might think something is wrong with me.  I am sure they couldn’t figure that out from the three dessert orders regardless.  So I thought I could trick them and make them think they were just delivering a meal if I got a pizza.  So I got a small pizza.  I wasn’t going to eat it; I would fridge it for later.  I was telling myself also that I wouldn’t eat all the desserts they were brining over. 
They dropped it off.  I could swear that the pizza man was giggling at me.  I wonder if they ever had such an order before.  Three desserts and one small pizza, I seriously doubt it.  I sat down on the couch and I turned on my American Dad and within in 1 episode it was all gone: The pizza, the dibs, the ice cream and the churros.  It was a fucking blood bath.  I didn’t eat that food last night I inhaled it. 

I was very ashamed of myself when I went to bed last night.  In a blink of the eye, I had ruined a pretty good weekend of work.  I was angry. Then I woke up this a.m. I was in pain.  My tummy hurt like it hadn’t hurt in a long time.  I think maybe for the first time this year that I can remember I hurt from a night of hard eating.  What exactly did the eating accomplish besides making me sick to my tummy?    

I wanted to bury this down inside with everything else.  Then I read the message this a.m. from Coach and I knew that the time for burying things was long over.  The time for truth is here and now.  The time for dealing with my anger and aggression is in the present.  It is time to turn that anger into energy.  Energy to be used at the pool, to be used in the gym, and to be used walking.  So even though my stomach hurt and hurt bad this a.m. and even though I thought I was going to shit myself at any moment. I went outside and I walked.  It was only a 12 minute walks and little over a quarter mile.  However, it was a walk.  I also packed my bag to head to the pool tonight.  I need to start using this stored anger.  Fat is after all stored energy and I have a fucking reserve.  So, I need to us it.  I won’t swim a mile or any great length but I will move. 

I will learn from my mistake last night as well.  After GOT the TV goes off, the book opens, I do my ½ hour of reading and I go to bed or even better play with Kona Monkey first.  She would love that.  Although by 9 o’clock at night she is usually worn out, if I am doing my job right.  So reading and journaling should be all that happens after GOT.

As for Door Dash I gave my password and user name to a friend and told them to change the password and not give it to me.  Seems like an extreme measure but I am an extreme dude.  Plus I don’t want to be eating that crap anyways.  I’ve been down that road before; it is full of anger and frustration. I don’t need to go there again. 

What I need to do is face my anger head on.  I need to stop being a little passive aggressive bitch about it.  I need to focus on getting off the sugar and only eating real foods like I was doing.  I need to stop worrying about if she is every coming back or not, or if I am going to have a heart attack tomorrow, or if about work, or whatever the bullshit is.  I have to let go of the past and embrace the here and now.  Embrace the future and accept it.  All I have to do is to decide what to do with the time I have been given. 

I deserve a great life. I deserve to put me and my health first. I deserve not to be angry.  I deserve to use my reserved energy for the only thing that matters right now and that is getting my ship righted and get a full set of wind in my sails and heading to my promised land. 

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