Friday, July 28, 2017

This I Love

“And the Tower is closer...
Excerpt From: Stephen King. “The Drawing of the Three.” 

I have mentioned “The Tower” in my blogs more times than I can possibly count.  Talking about my Tower has become second nature to me.  To me the Tower is so much more than an object that King went on and on about in over 19 books.  Sure, I loved the story of agent Gunslinger last of his line, finding a new family to love, and getting another chance to right the wrongs of his dark past.  So much of who I am and who I want to be is based on the redemption that Eddie Dean went through over the course of seven novels.  My true religious believe system is based on the Dark Tower and Ka.  I am so intertwined with the books they have become precious to me. 

Now we are a week away from the movie coming out.  A movie I have waited years for.  However, I am not optimistic. As a matter of fact I am quite scared about it.  I am not going to lie, it looks, well it looks, awful.  They are taking some very sacred things from the books and slamming it in your face. 

Let’s set a few things straight out of the gate.  First I have no issue that they have changed the story up.  The book is written as cycular.    So the story is supposed to keep growing and change over time.  Each time the Gunslinger is supposed to get a little better, just a little better than before.  Get a little closer.  His real tower is not the tower at all, it is finding a way to get his Ka-tet to the tower.  His challenge is to stop getting everyone he loves killed but get them to safety.  So each time he take this journey he get just a slight bit better than before.

Also, I have no issue that the man playing the character looks nothing like the basis of the gunslinger.  Who is the man with no name, the legend that Eastwood created. I think Idris Elba is an amazing Gunslinger.  I have no idea swapping out the man with blue bombardier’s eyes with Idris.  I think he is an amazing actor, and I can buy him as Roland of Gilead.  I really can.  I was fine with that.

What I was not fine with is the trailer and the complete bastardization of the story.  Things are happening in the opening sequence of this story that simply doesn’t belong.  I realize there isn’t enough in the first book to make a complete movie around.  However, to change it so radically and to make things learned over a long journey a basis for trying to sell movie, is just crap. 

It is times like these I am so frustrated I didn’t do more with my life and become the creative force I know I should be.  I know how this story should be told.  I know what people need to see and it is not the clown show that they are showing right now in these commercials and trailers. 

I think this is going to be bad, like Ghost Rider, and Last Air bender bad.  I want to be wrong. I keep telling myself to give it a chance.  To let it run its course and understand it is not my story.  Not the one that I love.  It is not the one that has been the back bone of the person who I am. 

I am not sure why I feel the need to blog about this.  Other than to let people know this isn’t what I have built a path to redemption around.  Perhaps it is me actually thinking people would actually see this movie then think what the fuck that is wrong with Billy b and why would he hold this thing so dear.  Maybe I feel a need to distance myself form it a little bit.  Or maybe it is just because I care so much about the story.  That I want it done right and it deserves to done right. 

I don’t know… perhaps it is the Tower and I just wanted to right about it.  Because after all it is this I love…

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

not muc to say....

My body is sore.  Every muscle in my arms and back hurt.  It isn’t a bad hurt, but a good one.  I started Black Fish’ing again last week.  I made it a point after I fell down so hard a week ago Sunday after the Game of Thrones Premiere to get myself up and going again.  Since that day I have been at the pool four times.   I have swum 3100 yards and aqua walked 2400 yards.  

My breathing still doesn’t feel right on my freestyle.  Almost to the point that ever stroke and every lap it torture.  I don’t know if it is because my breathing has become so much shallower the fatter I got, I mean after all the last sleep test I took definitely said I was a shallow breather.  I don’t know if it is fear from having my face in the water.  I don’t know if my stroke is just broken.  I have times when I am stroking to the walk and I literally get a rush in my body like I am in panic mode and have to get to the wall.  It is a rush of energy but not a good one.  It is like that rush I get when I get my blood taken, it is the fear and it is just waiting for me. It really freaks me out.  Two years ago, I tried to change my breathing technique on my freestyle by going to a bi-lateral breathing technique and ever since then I have made issues trying to get the right breathing combo down.  I am sure it is some combo of panic and shallow breathing.  I am not sure why I am so panicky, I can put my feet down at any point and get my head out of the water. It is a trip for sure. I keep fighting it. I wonder if you could get as good a workout form doing breast and back as you can from free.  Breast is so easy for me I just assume I am cheating whenever I do it.  

Walking in the water is different.  First there is a ton of resistance pushing against you.  Whether you are going forward or backwards I guess it doesn’t really matter either way the water is giving you resistance. I normally walk backwards because that is what the old dudes at the pool do.  They seem to have it down and they a walk for a mile.  So I watch them and try to copy what they are doing. I have no idea if I am I am doing it right and often feel like I am not.  I am looking up videos on YouTube but can’t find any that do that backwards walking.  So, I just keep experimenting and each day my legs are sore, so I figure I am doing something right.  I really like walking in the water because it is like walking on the land which was something I loved but my knees and hips don’t kill me from my weight.  That is a major plus.  15 minutes out of the pool is a struggle but 15 minutes in the pool is a glide.  I want to learn proper technique.  I am thinking of asking the front desk at the pool to put me in touch with one of their therapist to see if I can get them to show me the proper way.  I think it is important to have good form.

I got to the gym Sunday pretty early.  I was hoping to get a sneak attack swim in early, so I could get to TJ’s and then get home and get the ribs on the smoker.  However, when I got to the lap pool it had been invaded by an army of blue hairs and some lady standing on the side of the pool who appeared to be dancing.  It was like she was calling the move in and then the blue hairs would follow.  I was frustrated because I was on a time line.  However, I didn’t let it get me down.  I am luck that the place I go actually has 3 pools.  A therapy pool inside well it is for therapy.  A family pool for people and their families to swim in.  Finally the lap pool well ya know to swim laps in.  I was lucky on this Sunday morning that no one was in the family pool.  So I decided to get in there and crank out a walk.  I had been debating about walking or swimming laps on the car ride from home and my answer was given to me.  So, I hoped in the pool and started my backwards strut with high knees into my gut and the whole nine yards.  However, it turns out the family pool has a deep end that was much deeper than what I could touch in.  Frustrated again, I was at a loss, maybe I should just pack it up and go home.  No, but I was determined.  So, I decided to count my steps across the pool from side to side in water I could touch in.  It was about 20 steps.  The lap pool took me about forty steps to go from side to side and well I know this because I am a compulsive counter in the pool. I count each stroke and each step I take.  I have no idea why I do this but I do.  So, I decided I would walk 60 lengths and that should be about a half mile per my calcs.  So, I walked and a half hour later I had done my distance.  It was fun, I really enjoyed it.  However, as I was walking I kept watching the blue hairs and man it looked like they were having fun.  So, I went and got the class list to see what they people were doing and it was Aqua Zumba.  It looked fun and I am really thinking maybe I should give it a try.    

Well, I don’t really have a ton to report. I am sore but a good sore.  I am tired but a swimming a lot tired.  I didn’t fall to pieces after this week’s GOT so that was good. I had a plan in place and it worked pretty well.  

I am starting to set boundaries for myself.  I am tired of people always asking me about my weight and weight watchers.  There is a lot more to me than mu weight.   I want people to see that and understand it. I don’t need 20 people telling me I need to be focused on my weight or watch what I put in my mouth.  It is important, I get it.  I am working at it.  I am following a plan.  Maybe not one that everyone thinks I should, but that hasn’t worked for me in the past, so I am forging ahead on my own path.  Paying attention to what goes in my mouth.    Really thinking about if I like it or not.  What I have realized. Is I don’t like In and Out fries, like dunking thinks into a lot of ketchup.  Ketchup has a ton of sugar in it.  So, what I really like is the big blob of red sugar on my plate.  When you stop and just taste the fry, it is nothing but a crispy potato.  Take the Salt off them and then you are really stuck with potato sticks that don’t add a lot to a meal.  (Note: I always get my in and out fries without salt now and I always get them extra well done b/c a man likes his fries to be crunchy).  I also learned eating and in and out burger without ketchup has a totally different taste then dipping it into a huge read sugar blob.  When you put it into the sugar blob all you taste is the blob.  When you take a bit without dipping it you get an explosion of flavor.  You can taste the onion, the cheese, the tomato.  I know that hemp seeds and chia sees in my smoothie makes the first smoothie I have ever had that I get shit in my teeth. The thing is I am doing it and that is a good thing!!!

Not bad for writers block =)   

Monday, July 17, 2017

Where did the anger go.....

I think it was the first short story I ever finished.  Ok, well let me think some more, I am not counting that letter to Penthouse, or anything I wrote in high school, so yes, I think it is fair to say it was my first.  Since then I have completed at least novelettes, non-which I choose to share on this media, they are currently being edited and the goal is to try to get them published.  However, “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts” was the first short story.  Since it is something I am very proud with over 462 views on the blog and because it is such a telling tale of what exactly goes on in my head, I felt that it was best to share with my Life Coach.  So the attached link was sent:

Sending the message broker a response “In the last three years what have you done with all that anger? It has to go somewhere.

At first I was a little dumb founded by the question.  Just where in the hell had all that anger gone?  I want to be able to sit here and say I wrote it all out.  I did a fair amount of journaling and blogging after “Fists” but probably not enough to let out all of the hate, anger, and rage that have been building up inside for so fucking long.

Then I saw the picture I lead with today and I knew where it had all gone.  The anger hadn’t been exercised away or written away it had all been internalized.  I tried to bury it deep down inside.  I tried to act like I didn’t care that I was unloved and felt unlovable or that I was rejected and pushed away.  I tried to act like nothing mattered.  That I didn’t care I’d been passed over.  That I didn’t care that I just kept fucking up my health again and was killing myself one nibble at a time.  I pushed this all way down deep into the darkest black depths of my mind that not even I like to talk about or think about.

There in that darkest of black places my anger burned like wild fire.  It raged on and on and little by little it was let out into the world.  It might have manifested in bad day where the black dread would surround me like a swaddling blanket and caress any feeling away.  I think mostly it surfaced as insecurity in my position, my decisions, and it kept me frozen in time.  The one place I do know it surly found its way out was thru my eating. 

Since I stopped blogging the fires of anger raged and I went on to put back all the weight I had once lost and like any good dieter once I put that back on, I went ahead and gained more.  Fifty pounds more was the final tally.  I took out all my anger on my vessel.  How does that make sense?  I let anger out by stuffing more in? I turned myself into a cripple with limited movement and little to no fun.  I hide behind the fact that my father was sick and traded the sadness and feelings I should have felt for late night binges on burgers, fries, pints of ice cream, and whatever else I could shovel into my mouth.  One value meal became 3 meals. No, no, I didn’t split one value meal into three meals; I got three value meals for one meal.  Eating a large pizza was nothing, I realized this when I downed an entire Matt Cain from Patxi’s by myself on a Friday night.  One pint of ice cream to sooth those sad fees became two pints, and of course we need to through in a bag of chips for good measure. 

The angry I got and the more I repressed it the more punishment I did to myself.  The more harm I did to myself.  I stopped swimming.  I stopped walking.  I did nothing but go to work, site all day, have people get water for me, pick up my meals, and then go home and sit on the couch.  In the last 6 months I have discovered door dash and that has become the hide at home binger’s best friend.  My god, you can order Cream, Baskin Robins, and Cold Stone on there, I know because I did.

Then there was the July 17, 2017 episode.  I had not had a good binge in over a month.  I thought I was finding my way.  I watched Game of Thrones.  I had a nice dinner, Steak, baked tater, salad with beets that were awesome, and corn on the cob, the tater and corn was made on my smoker.  It was a feast fitting for the season opener of GOT.  I was full.  I was content.  My buddy David left and I sat there with Kona Koffee and I turned on American Dad. 

That is when I got the itch.  I wanted something sweet.  I needed something sweet.  I battled with myself on if I should go grab something, but I didn’t want to leave the house so late.  So I went to my buddy Door Dash, but David had left late enough that the Ice Cream places were closed.  I wanted something though.  I needed something.  So I kept looking and looking, and looking.

I opened up Pizza Guys website and there it was.  They would deliver a pint of ice cream.  They would deliver Dibs (chocolate covered ice cream bites).  Also, they had churros, yes fucking churros with icing to be dipped in.  Fuck, it was a binge eater’s wet dream. 

However, I didn’t want to be that guy who only ordered a dessert from the pizza place.  No they might think something is wrong with me.  I am sure they couldn’t figure that out from the three dessert orders regardless.  So I thought I could trick them and make them think they were just delivering a meal if I got a pizza.  So I got a small pizza.  I wasn’t going to eat it; I would fridge it for later.  I was telling myself also that I wouldn’t eat all the desserts they were brining over. 
They dropped it off.  I could swear that the pizza man was giggling at me.  I wonder if they ever had such an order before.  Three desserts and one small pizza, I seriously doubt it.  I sat down on the couch and I turned on my American Dad and within in 1 episode it was all gone: The pizza, the dibs, the ice cream and the churros.  It was a fucking blood bath.  I didn’t eat that food last night I inhaled it. 

I was very ashamed of myself when I went to bed last night.  In a blink of the eye, I had ruined a pretty good weekend of work.  I was angry. Then I woke up this a.m. I was in pain.  My tummy hurt like it hadn’t hurt in a long time.  I think maybe for the first time this year that I can remember I hurt from a night of hard eating.  What exactly did the eating accomplish besides making me sick to my tummy?    

I wanted to bury this down inside with everything else.  Then I read the message this a.m. from Coach and I knew that the time for burying things was long over.  The time for truth is here and now.  The time for dealing with my anger and aggression is in the present.  It is time to turn that anger into energy.  Energy to be used at the pool, to be used in the gym, and to be used walking.  So even though my stomach hurt and hurt bad this a.m. and even though I thought I was going to shit myself at any moment. I went outside and I walked.  It was only a 12 minute walks and little over a quarter mile.  However, it was a walk.  I also packed my bag to head to the pool tonight.  I need to start using this stored anger.  Fat is after all stored energy and I have a fucking reserve.  So, I need to us it.  I won’t swim a mile or any great length but I will move. 

I will learn from my mistake last night as well.  After GOT the TV goes off, the book opens, I do my ½ hour of reading and I go to bed or even better play with Kona Monkey first.  She would love that.  Although by 9 o’clock at night she is usually worn out, if I am doing my job right.  So reading and journaling should be all that happens after GOT.

As for Door Dash I gave my password and user name to a friend and told them to change the password and not give it to me.  Seems like an extreme measure but I am an extreme dude.  Plus I don’t want to be eating that crap anyways.  I’ve been down that road before; it is full of anger and frustration. I don’t need to go there again. 

What I need to do is face my anger head on.  I need to stop being a little passive aggressive bitch about it.  I need to focus on getting off the sugar and only eating real foods like I was doing.  I need to stop worrying about if she is every coming back or not, or if I am going to have a heart attack tomorrow, or if about work, or whatever the bullshit is.  I have to let go of the past and embrace the here and now.  Embrace the future and accept it.  All I have to do is to decide what to do with the time I have been given. 

I deserve a great life. I deserve to put me and my health first. I deserve not to be angry.  I deserve to use my reserved energy for the only thing that matters right now and that is getting my ship righted and get a full set of wind in my sails and heading to my promised land. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Girl Out the Window

The Girl out the Window…

He was calm and collected.  He was in his element, talking about his trade, his work, his dorky passion.  He looked at clean cut finger nails and could not remember the last time he had bitten them.  He used to eat his nails.  There was the one time he had completely bitten the thumb nail off.  That though was another time and in another life.  

Person after person came into the little conference room.  Person after person sat down and gave their spiel.  They wanted to find a break in his armor.  They asked questions from all angels.  They gave him warnings.  They tested him and his knowledge again and again. 

He sat there in his sports coat and khakis with a sly type smile on his bearded face.  He folded his hands with his unbitten nails in front of.  He took their badgering with his sly smile, and gave off a heir of confidence not smugness.  No, this was his element.  Of all the things he did well talking about him was one of the best.  

He had a gift for weaving stories that were untrue.  His creativity was both his gift and his curse.  It was a gift because he had longed to use it and make his living from it.  However, he was terrified to because what is no one liked it?  However things were different when he was talking about himself and he had lived through the events.  In those situations he became the maestro.  He would weave the words like a conductor would weave notes of an orchestra to form a beautiful melody.  

Writing or talking it made little difference to him.  Once he got started he could go on and on without stopping or without pause.  He would weave together a tail that you wanted to listen too.  You wanted where happy when he started and you didn’t want him to end, it left you always wanting a little bit more. Here in this room.  It was no different, jus0t a different canvas for him to work on. 
He was doing well.  He knew he was doing well.  When it came to his craft he knew his business well.  He would say few new it better.  He had made is a study in excellence.  At once point his minded wanted more knowledge than anyone else could have and he went out and acquired it.  That like the nail biting had been another life.  Now he considered himself in the rare class of expert.  Was it Caesar who said I came I saw I conquered?  Well wasn’t it actually “Veni, vidi, vici”?  He couldn’t tell but he had done just that.  

His mind would race in these mini palavers.  Although this was his element, that didn’t mean he wanted to be right here right now.  Being present even in your own life was always hard for him.  He was a dreamer.  His mind wandered even when he needed it to be most focused.  That is what happens when you are the creator of worlds and speaker of tales.  However, he knew the stories well enough and what he had done well enough that he didn’t always have to be entirely present.  Not unless something tripped him up and today was going to well for that.

Calm, he was by definition just that.  His heart which sometimes beat to its own rhythm no matter what was going on was in alignment.  It was calm.  He the one his coach had once told he sweated the second most of anyone she knew, had not sweat today, because it was unwarranted and unneeded, because he was in control.  It was after all his game now.  It was the element of tale spinning and he was a master. 

His full attention came back as this part of the interrogation appeared to be over.  Having been taught manners from a very early age and not matter what the situation was he stood up and offered his hand as the person excited the room.  They made offers to make him more comfortable but he assured them he was right as rain, because after all he was.  

He chose not to sit immediately down after he saw them out.  He instead wanted to stretch his legs and he paced up and down the line of windows he had chosen to sit in front of.  Truthfully he was looking at everything that was out there and nothing.  It was a chilly spring day in California and he saw clouds rolling in, he doubted there would be rain, rain was a rarity in California these days. 
He studied the building across the street.  It was just a building.  However it held his attention but just for a moment.  The next person was coming in and he turned from the window and extended his hand and sat down.  

One meeting was much like the other.  The conversation rolled on and the tales were spun.  Each question was answered with the same zeal and passion.  The smile that said I am so interested and not too cocky hung on his face, but when his mind did it’s ever present doubling this time it was not a new world, or race but the building that loomed now behind him.  

The building was thought like so many others that just got stuck in his mind.  He couldn’t get rid of it if he wanted too. It mattered little his game was still at “A” level.  He answered the questions with well weaved tails.  He probably talked too much, but he cared little because what he would spew was pure gold and he knew it.   This after was his arena.    

Again his mind gathered as the conversation came to an end.  He stood and he shook hands and said pleasantries and did the dance of a well behaved man.  He sad back in his chair with a bigger grin than the one he normally wore.  He felt good.  He wasn’t the same man he had once been.  He laughed a little to himself and said to the empty room that he was defiantly on his game and one more of these and he would be completely in the driver’s seat.  

He sat back in his chair and did a half spin and glanced to his left out the window.  He ran his hands through his long hair while his eyes scanned their cool graceful scan.  As always they were seeing everything and nothing once again.  Then they stopped gliding to the right and shot back to the left.  He almost started to panic because he could no longer feel his heart beating.  Had he looked down he would have realized it was gone because he had lost it.  

He wanted to stand up and walk to the window and stare like a goof.  He couldn’t stand because his knees were too weak.  His usually powerful sturdy legs felt like Jell-O and he could not move them even though he commanded them too to even move forward in his chair.

He was not sure if the grin on his face could get any bigger but somehow he felt it grow on his face.  He wanted to lean forward but his body was no longer his own.   He just stared out the window and across the street.  He wondered if what he was looking at was real or if some mad vision brought on from one of his other worlds.  He knew at once it was not.  He knew he was not looking at angel or a demon.  No he was just looking at a girl out the window.

Just a girl wasn’t a fair way for his mind to put it though was it?  She was not just a girl.  No she was a beautiful woman his eyes couldn’t take in enough of.  A car passed and he hated it for blocking his view of her.  However it passed and there she stood and he felt his heart again but now it was racing.  It was the conga and he the rhythm was fast and damn near out of control.  He felt a stir in his groan.  A sense of lust and longing washing over him and his mind went from calm and clear to absolute mush. 

She stood there with her dark hair blowing in the wind.  It didn’t seem to bother her it was in her face.  Her face wore a frown, but not because she was sad but because her face just naturally went into what appeared to be a frown. He didn’t get the sense from her that she was melancholy just out walking with a place to go.  The wind stopped moving and he could see her brown eyes and they were kind and inviting. 

She waited there on the other side of the street.  She wore a pink shirt and wrapped in a gray sweater.  Her arms were crossed under her ample breasts.  What she was waiting on he couldn’t say.  Then another car passed and she started to move forward.  He saw that her shoes were brown and looked soft and comfortable.  She crossed the street and poof just like that walked out of his life much like she had just walked into it inadvertently and without ever knowing.
He almost jumped out of his chair when someone spoke to him from behind.  It was the last caller of the day.  But instead of standing at attention and walking towards them to great them, he looked back to the window longing to see her just one more time. When he realized there was no such luck.  He turned and shuffled towards the man and his outstretched hand.

He sat and for the first time his mind didn’t split.  It didn’t split because it couldn’t because his entire focus was on the girl he had seen out the window.  He had to pull hard in his mind to try and regain some focus.   He mustard all he could.  He tried to weave tales and orchestrate but his mind just kept going back to the vision in gray and pink out the window. 

The next half hour moved like molasses.  He tripped and fumbled over his own words.  He told and retold the same stories.  He couldn’t find that calm, semi-arrogant person he had just been.  He couldn’t do it because he was infatuated with that beautiful girl, that passed by and he glimpsed out the window. 

His last meeting ended and he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.  He left the building and moved as quickly as he could to the street she had crossed. He wanted to see if he could see her again.  He rounded the corner and there she was.  She was crossing the street with two others.  He wanted to call out to her.  He wanted to scream hello.  He opened his mouth and nothing came out.  For once in his life he was completely and utterly without words.

He watched her walk away.  He turned and put his left hand into his pocket.  His right went to his mouth and he started to use his teeth to pick at them while he looked at his feet as he walked away.  His mind still stuck on the image of beauty in the window.  Wondering why nothing would come out, why the man who could weave such wonderful tales couldn’t find the right words to say to make her stop or even come back.   He glanced over his shoulder a couple of times.  Hopefully he would catch another glimpse.  That he would just get to see her one more time.  It was as if she had vanished though and walked out of his life forever.