Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Little Girl and the Fatman: a year later

OK, so technically it has been over a year, by Two Days since I headed east to San Francisco International Aiport and took a Road to Kona

Who is counting, 365 v 367, but me, I mean I had a trip back to Terre Haute, a Last Jedi to check in on, well work, and general sitting on my ass and doing nothing but watching the snow fall, so suck it. 

I miss the little Kona Bear.  I don’t feel right flying here to the Midwest with me.  It is not fair to make her fly for a four days, even though I have grand visions of her running amuck running around in Granny Burkle’s how.  However, I know that she is having fun at the Camp Bow Wow and probably not even thinking about Poppa. 

It has been quite a year.  I never knew if I would be a good Daddy or not, but I think the good I have done this year with my little monkey far out ways the bad.  We have survived crate training, potty training, obedience training, Kennel Cough, a tail in the car door, and most recently giardia.  I have only forgotten flea medication once and only for a week or two.  I only under fed her for a week.  Yes, there was a mix up when I thought she should only have two cups a food a day and under fed her which led her to trying to eat bad stuff at day care.  And how can I forget that she is a well know dog collar eater and has perfected taking other dogs collars at day care and then eat those as well. 

Things didn’t always go according to plan and there was definitely an adjustment period to living together, but I honestly believe there is nothing in the world that I love more than my little baby.  She is my savoir, daughter, and my best friend!  I can’t lay half way through night one I wanted to send her back.  She howled like a goddamned banshee.  I downloaded a book at four in the morning and started reading it, trying to figure out how I could possible survives this?  The solution was simple, move her crate in my room (thanks Eric).  Then on night two the little monkey was at it again whining and crying and I was talking to her asking her to please be quiet.  It was Shiner puppy of all people that taught me a lesson.  She climbed in between me and the crate on my bed and lay down and in her own way told me to stop talking to her and she would shut up and I got the message and so did Little Kona, b/c she never whined again in her crate.  I am dead serious, I come home and night and she just lies there until I open it.  Hell, I actually have to go sit down and urge her to come out and then she will finally come out and give me good kisses and let me scratch her bottom. 

One of my most favorite memories was one night when we were on the every four hour bathroom plan.  I opened the back door and let her out and she sprinted out like she always does to go do her business, but something was in the rose bush shaking it.  It raised my eye brows b/c it was 4 a.m. and I am convinced there might be a boogen trying to get me, but it terrified my little angel.  She turned and sprinted into the house, didn’t stop at the door and ran through my legs.  Then she turned in the kitchen and stuck her little head between my legs and poked her head out the door with me.  I wish I could have had a picture of the two of us standing in the door way trying to figure out what the fuck that was in the bush. 

I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful tag team partner in my life!  I knew the minute I saw her she was mine and she hasn’t disappointed.  She has become precious to me.

Anyway it is Christmas Eve and there are holiday movies to be watched and snacks to be made so I will go now, but I will say Little Girl Daddy loves you and misses you!!!

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