Monday, June 6, 2016

Page 158

Book of 2016
- Page 158 - 

I ate pizza tonight.  I was good until dinner.  Then I ate three slices and a candy bar.  What is it that I can't even put one good day together.  Lunch was good, breakfast good, dinner not so good.  I felt bad the minute I started eating it.  To make it worse, I had sat in a room for 1 hour with pizza at lunch today and I was so proud that I didn't eat it.  thought a corner had been turned.  I am out of excuses.  Addiction, bad habits, stress, depressed, it doesn't really matter.  Eating what you aren't supposed to is eating what you aren't supposed to.  I guess 2 out 3 three aint bad. tomorrow is another day and I guess and i just have to be more diligent. 

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