Monday, October 23, 2017

the last time I had fun....

Most people don’t ever really have to stop and think about the last time they really had fun was.  I wonder if it is sad that I have to.  Fun is a relative term perhaps?  No not really.  I think the point of the question was to get me thinking about what fun means to me so that I can go have fun instead using (eating crap).

See right now fun for me and gods I know how sad this is going to sound is eating something that is unhealthy.  It is eating a pizza or a burger and fries (with buns and real ketchup of course).  Or fun is ordering a quart of ice cream from Baskin Robins and housing the whole thing, gods be damned if it gives me the runs the next day or not.  Or at least in my current existence that is what I have associated with fun. 

I know why.  It is because everything hurts.  It is because I am so heavy it hurts to stand.  It hurts to sit.  It is hard to get out of bed.  Getting out off the couch is not easy task either.  Don’t get me started on tying my shoes.  So, if I have reduced myself to a life of pain, then of course I can get some satisfaction out of enjoying a meal. 

My point isn’t to bellow and whine here.  It isn’t to try to garner sympathy.  It is simply to help me put things in a point of view.  It is to show that answering the question might not be all that easy.  Also, I might not have as much real fun (none food related) as I need or deserve.

To be honest the last time I had real fun, I mean real, real fun was on October 7 of this year when Rachel and Dorothy were hear and I was introduced to bitmoji.  We talked, we cooked, we laughed, and we had a great night.  I am sure there have been several night, days, and moments like that over the last few years but none I can pull out off the top of my head.  Before that, I would have to go back, way back in my memory to find true fun.

I had a wonderful time when I went and saw Episode 7.  That was pretty kick ass.  What a great flick but that wasn’t really same.  Neither was Dr. Strange, Spider-man, or Guardians of the Galaxy II.  All great flicks in and of themselves but fun?

It was club three years ago.  It was Kona.  It was the ocean and it was awesome.  I was in the water.  I knew everyone I could see in both directions.  We were wave riding and it was awesome.  We were 30 and 40 year old mean and we loving the ride.  The waves were huge and they would push us so hard and far.  I remember that ocean.   I remember the child like feeling of being completely care free not having to worry about my phone b/c everyone who mattered in the company was out there in the waves with me.  That truly was kick ass!

Another time was club a year later this time in Kauai.  We were on four wheelers this time.  I was driven though the rain forests.  It was epic.  I was totally relaxed and laughing.  Totally unattached from my phone and my office, because it didn’t matter, none of it did.  It only matter to see the lovely sights and take them in.  It only matter to smell the fresh air.  It was totally liberating